GTX 1070 Low GPU usage and Fps on 1080p (CS GO, LoL)

Deja Vu

Feb 21, 2017

Thank you for your attention.

I recently build my first PC! (Yeey).
But.. when playing games like LoL or CS GO my fps is wat lower then it should be(compared to other people's rigs).

With League i start around @ 300/400+ fps and later when the game goes on drops down to a mere 100/110ish...
Also with CS GO on 1080p my fps jump from 100 to 300 all the time, and the funny thing is that when i play on 4k with same settings my fps is still the same (maybe even slightly better).

Now i know that my Cpu is not the newest but it shouldn't be so unstable and giving me so low fps on where others have way more fps in a stable way with even worse rigs.
But when Monitoring with MSI afterburner i saw that in 1080p my gpu only gets a max of 60% usage where my Cpu usage was not above 60% and 65 degrees and my Gpu never geos above 74 degrees.

i ran every test/benchmark saying that my system is either normal or even better than the average person with the sane rigs.
other things i have done with no effect:

tweaked Nvidia settings
reinstalled all de drivers with UDD
Bios Update
enabled xmp profile on my ram speeds (1333mhz)
turned Xbox DVR off
switched my SSD from SATA 2.0 to SATA 3.0
Updated motherboard drivers

i may forgot some but the point is that i done almost everything that i could find and with no effect so my question is,
can you help me!


My Rig:

- i7 2600 @ stock speeds
- 16gb ddr3 @ 1333mhz (4 slots of 4 gb)
- Asrock z77 extreme4 motherboard
- KFA2/GALAX Geforce Gtx 1070 Sniper EXOC
- 750 watt Be Quiet P10 gold rated psu
- Samsung 750 500GB SSD
- Windows 10 Pro
I have a year newer i5 3470 and a r9 380 2gb, and I get around 120-220 fps in CS:GO, and I don't monitor my CPU/GPU usage. I think the game might only take as much as it needs to display at a certain FPS, try capping at a high FPS, but I don't really know why games would not utilize full system power, it might be how older games only utilize 1-2 cores, i don't know for sure. Good call on turning off the render standby, that decreases fps.
Have you used the integrated graphics on that CPU before? Try and if you can find those drivers and uninstall them. They can mess with your graphics card drivers. If not that, try tweaking the graphics card to the booting graphics config.
trying right away to deinstall de intel graphics drivers!
and could you maybe clarify the last sentence? i don't know where to tweak the graphics card config

many thanks

Update: i removed the intel HD graphics with no change whatsoever

Question: i can't find where to reinstall it?
+ i tried reinstalling but can'd find it anywhere.... :/ ah weal i have a gpu so dont think it would effect anything.

+ i set some changes to the "northbridge configuration" i set the "render standy" mode to disabled and the "vt-d" was already on disabled so i didn't tinker with that.
+ also there was a setting called "share memory" but i don't know what to do with that.
+ and then i disabled "IGPU multi monitor" because i only have 1 screen.

there was i think a slight increase in fps but nothing significant.
I have a year newer i5 3470 and a r9 380 2gb, and I get around 120-220 fps in CS:GO, and I don't monitor my CPU/GPU usage. I think the game might only take as much as it needs to display at a certain FPS, try capping at a high FPS, but I don't really know why games would not utilize full system power, it might be how older games only utilize 1-2 cores, i don't know for sure. Good call on turning off the render standby, that decreases fps.

Because this game is cpu intense and it will not change the fps even if you get 1000 of titan Xp in your cpu on this cpu