GTX 1070 MSI Aero OC, not performing good. Please help me out.


Jan 15, 2016
Hello guys,

I just bought a 1070 AERO OC and its performing worse than my older gtx980 :/ I am very confused... i try to play the witcher 3 on 1440p and the framedrops are terrible. (ofcourse nvidea hairworks is off)

The rest of the setup is this:

CPU:I5 6600K
8 GB 2133MHZ RAM

Does anyone now what is going on? the heaven benchmarks works good on 1440p ultra 120 fps or so.

Even if i lower the graphics to 1080p on the witcher 3 the frame rates still drop :S

did you check temps and power draw try to increase the power limit in afterburner and since its using a blower design cooling it might b getting higher temps and because of that it throttles.

Along with those, make sure that the power plug is properly connected.
Uninstall all nvidia drivers, and reinstall latest.
I looked back at the stats in afterburner and the gpu performence didnt go higher than 70 :/ should be 100 right? maybe it is the cpu after all? i will try to overclock it than. and i will check if the cable is properly attached.
BTW, i can still return this graphics card and buy a nicer 1070. Would you guys recommend that? if so, what card do you suggest? (plz be nice to my wallet)

thanks so much btw

The i5-6600k shouldn't be limiting GPU performance. Do you get 100% usage in a GPU bench/stress like furmark or unigine heaven?
I cant imagine a 6600k even at stock speeds is restricting your card in any meaningful way. Were you using the same processor with your 980? if so, that would basically eliminate the cpu as a variable as your 980 performed to spec with that cpu. Do you have a weird fan profile set up that restricts airflow? If you reset everything to defaults, how does your 1070 perform? Even being a blower style cooler, those results dont make much sense to me.
Thanks for your quick responses, i was indeed using the 6600k for the 980 and everything was fine. I just put in the card yesterday so i guess that the fan settings and all should be on default.

I will do the furmark an unigine heaven test now to see if i get 100 gpu usage.
Run unigine and watch your gpu usage and temperature. I have run into an issue after failed overclocks on my 1070 SC where the drivers crash and cant reload correctly so I get 9-10 fps in unigine. Uninstalling the drivers and doing a fresh install seemed to fix that. Did you uninstall any old drivers? What's your average fps on unigine with everything set to defaults?
Could the bad performance have anything to do with my monitor? It's a ACER K272HULBBMIDP, i know it's not the best monitor but i expected it to work decently.

In the heaven benchmark i got a 100% gpu activitity sometimes but it was fluctuating which i guess is normal.
If Unigine Heaven checks out, and you're getting similar results as hardware reviewers, then there is nothing inherently wrong w/ your GPU.

What settings are you using on Witcher 3? Did you try using the optimized settings from GeForce Experience?
I'm reluctant to believe that the CPU is the part causing issues. What's the CPU usage like while playing? If it's 80% or less, the CPU is probably not the issue. I'm not a fan of OCing the CPU as a method of troubleshooting, since that adds to instability, not reduce it. However, if you see greater than 80% CPU usage, you might benefit from OCing.
Hi,i also just bought a gtx 1070 (asus rog strix OC) and i am having the same issues as you.
It performs worse than my gtx 780. For example,at Overwatch at 1080p max settings,i barely get 85-90 fps,where i should have been getting 150-160.

From what i have read in the nvidia forums,some people say that it is the drivers' fault and should be fixed with the next update.
What windows do you have? And did you use DDU to unistall your old gpu drivers?
Yup, another one here. Just got the Asus 1070 ROG Strix OC as well, and while I am seeing an increase in performance over the 970 OC I replaced, it seems possibly I'm not seeing as much of an increase as I should. Running an i5 6600 (non K version). I'm kind of a newbie to benchmarking stuff. I had run Novabench previously with just the 970 with a good OC on it, and was hitting between 1980-2000 score. I run it with the GTX 1070 and I'm only hitting a 2030 score. That's not a large increase. Then read in another article a similar rig was hitting a score of 6,000 in Unigine Valley with a 1070. I can just hit 5,000 on mine with same benchmark settings, and seeing GPU utilization only topping out at 85-90% instead of 100% I can get it to hit 100% at times, but not as often as it should. This is with Asus ROG's recommended OC settings which does seem to boost things a bit from the default stock setting. Just seems like something is off and it's not reaching it's full potential.

I've tried fresh install of drivers, tried Nvidia's latest DPC latency hotfix driver,
Yeah,it feels like something is off. Anyway,i am upgrading tonight to win 10 to see if it makes any difference. Either way,i will post my benchmark results here.
Btw,now i have a 3554 score at Unigine Valley,with 85 avg fps.
I installed(clean) win10 and tried again..not only nothing changed,i even got worse performance than before and problems with black screens. I stayed up all night trying to figure out what was the problem,but i couldnt do it. I am returning the card today. It seems that i have paid 600 euros for a gtx 770.
That sucks. I refuse to go to Windows 10 just yet. Are you going to exchange for another to see if you got a bad card?

After fiddling with mine last night, I am seeing better benchmark scores. Managed a 5,300 in Uningine Valley. Still not near the 6,000 score I saw in another 1070 review...but better. I still have the occasional hiccup stutter/glitch in the majority of my VR games. I need to maybe try running some non-VR games to see if it is occurring on them also. I have a hard time playing anything else since I got my Vive.
Yeah this is really weird... i think my story is even worse. I just checked again. I did the heaven benchmark test, i only scored 1000 on 1440p high settings. Then i went to check afterburner and taskmanager (windows) i found that my processor was working around 50/60 % wich i think is fine. and the ram the same, also 50 60 %. But then i found that the card only works around 60/70% as wel :S but it should work at 100% usage right?

anyone got an idea why the graphics card is not working at 100% usage even tho my ram and processor are not limiting factors since i checked taskmanager...

thanks again!

I tried to take it back to the store i got it from,but they would not give me another card because according to them,it was working "just fine". They told me that they could send it to ASUS and have them check it out. That process would take a month or two,so i kept it for now.

What did you do?
Uninstall all drivers again in safe mode using DDU, then reinstalled. The GPU Tweak program that came with my card has a gaming mode option where it shuts down unnecessary windows processes for playing games. I did that and started benchmarking. Each test seemed to result in slightly higher and higher score. Almost like the longer I stressed it, the higher it would score.

Oh ok,thanks!
I have also tried that but it made no difference unfortunately. And i am not only looking at benchmark scores,i see it in games also. There are some videos on youtube showing the gtx 1070 hitting 140-160 fps in BF4 max settings at 1080p. And mine struggles to reach 100fps.