GTX 1070, New Monitor and Displayport issue


Nov 3, 2015
Just bought a new monitor and it uses a displayport output, perfect for my 1070. I plug it in, install drivers, restart. Do everything you normally do to install a monitor and nothing happens

I've tried getting drivers from the internet; no luck. Tried the installation CD; nothing.

Rebooted 10 times, no change. NVIDIA control panel says it doesnt detect any new monitor, same for windows display settings. Help please
You'll need to swap some parts to test somehow.

1) different output (HDMI)
2) different DP cable
3) different GPU on same PC
4) different computer or media device (HDMI input if you have one for a DVD player)

You can try using the DP from your motherboard if you have an Intel CPU with an iGPU.

I'm a bit confused when you say it's not detected since you obviously see stuff on the screen. Are you using another monitor?

If so have you tried the monitor by itself?

*Also, you don't need Windows or driver updates to verify the monitor works. You should see text on the screen before Windows even boots. If you see that it's working. If it stops working AFTER you see on-screen text then that could be a software issue in Windows.
Messed around with the wires a bit, replugged everything back in. Monitor now actually turns on, but no signal. I've also ensured the input is on the DP setting
You'll need to swap some parts to test somehow.

1) different output (HDMI)
2) different DP cable
3) different GPU on same PC
4) different computer or media device (HDMI input if you have one for a DVD player)

You can try using the DP from your motherboard if you have an Intel CPU with an iGPU.

I'm a bit confused when you say it's not detected since you obviously see stuff on the screen. Are you using another monitor?

If so have you tried the monitor by itself?

*Also, you don't need Windows or driver updates to verify the monitor works. You should see text on the screen before Windows even boots. If you see that it's working. If it stops working AFTER you see on-screen text then that could be a software issue in Windows.

I'm using a second monitor with a vga to hdmi adapter (this is my main monitor) I've seen it say no input but it has had no display and hasn't been detected