GTX 1070 or 1070 ti?


Aug 30, 2017
I'm planning on buying a decent graphics card and thought of going with 1070 but after some research i sathw that 1070 ti released a month ago was like 50$ more from 1070. So i was wondering which one would be better to get for the money? Also heard that 1070ti got some factory overclocking issue alough i dont know exactly what it is. Anyway need help choosing the right one. Thank you. :)[strike]
All 1070ti come at same clocks that nVidia recommends. But there are no issues in manually overclocking it. Actually, the 3rd party vendors keep the option open for it. The reason why nVidia barred the vendors from overclocking it at factory is that it comes very close to a 1080. So due to bureaucracy reasons, the vendors are forced to sell all 1070ti at same clocks but with different coolers. Just buy any 1070ti with a decent cooling solution and you can overclock it very easily via tools such as MSI afterburner. Also, just for a 50 dollar difference, 1070ti wins because it can almost reach the level of 1080.
All 1070ti come at same clocks that nVidia recommends. But there are no issues in manually overclocking it. Actually, the 3rd party vendors keep the option open for it. The reason why nVidia barred the vendors from overclocking it at factory is that it comes very close to a 1080. So due to bureaucracy reasons, the vendors are forced to sell all 1070ti at same clocks but with different coolers. Just buy any 1070ti with a decent cooling solution and you can overclock it very easily via tools such as MSI afterburner. Also, just for a 50 dollar difference, 1070ti wins because it can almost reach the level of 1080.