GTX 1070 or GTX 1080?


Feb 16, 2017
Hi! I need a little help, because I can't get to decide very well. The thing is that I don't know if to buy the gtx 1080 or the gtx 1070. Now the thing is.. that if I go for the 1080, I would have to wait at least 4 to 5 weeks for my dad to get the extra money for the case, the monitor & the fan which that would be the only components left I need to start bulding the pc. So, I just want to know which one would be the better option. Because if I buy the 1070, I would have money left to buy the fan, the case and the monitor right away and start with my built.. But I want something super powerful, that can last a few years. Plus I only would be playing in 1080p at 60fps ultra graphics, but I want to play at does settings for a very long time, without having to worry of an upgrade. But like I said.. I'm buying a 1080p 60hz monitor. Why I want the 1080? I would say it once again.. Because I want to game with a powerful graphics card at ultra settings 1080p 60fps for a long time.. What do you guys think? Or maybe I could buy the 1070 and after maybe 2 years I would be saving money for the latest graphic card at that time.. xD What you guys think? And in the future, around 2 month I would be getting a 4k monitor. And yeah.. Before you guys say a 1070 is more than enough for 1080p I know, because I know that graphic card was actually made for 1440p..xD But I want to game at full settings for a long time. xD Give me an advice. Don't say go for the 980 ti or whetever.. Just gtx 1080 or gtx 1070. Thank you!
no , just showing a fair comparison . anymore these hardware reviews are just anymore sales hype and promotion reviews and you got to take them with a grain of salt . they can tend to stretch the truths a bit like comparing a aftermarket oc'ed card with a score form a lower clocked reference card to show how much better they are for instance , and you got to learn and know how to read between the lines of some reviews . and why I gave you a review of 2 same cards series from the same manufacture using the same drivers and test bed and games tested with [some times you got to be careful there as well ] .

my opinion is those who know NVidia know evga , but ???

then it comes down to luck of the draw and that slight...
1. The better option is to be patient and build the box at one time. You never want to half build a PC and then find out when new parts arrive that one of the ones you bought 31 days ago is broken and you cant exchange it w/ vendor.

2. The 1070 has more than enough oomph for 1080p and 60 Hz.

3. With Ryzem CPUs about to drop, you will see your CPU price tumble in the next few days, that could erase some of your budget shortcomings. Prices have started to drop already.

4. With AMDs new GPUs about to drop, you will see your GPU price tumble in the next few days; that will be immediately followed by the release of the 1080 Ti and that will undoubtedly erase your budget shortcomings. When the 780 Ti came out, I saved $320 on the two 780s I purchased (price dropped $160 literally overnight) plus got two game coupons for 3 free games, each worth $60 ... essentially putting $680 back in my pocket


I know the GTX 1070 is more than enough for 1080p. But like I said.. I want to game at ultra settings and good fps for a very long time.. I already got my cpu and motherboard, so I can't go back. And yeah.. I want to game at 1080p ultra graphics settings and good fps for a long time. And in the future, switch the monitor for a 4k, but that would be in the future. That's why I want to know which one would benefit me more..
buy the best you can afford ,not looking back in a few months wishing you did .. 1080 is a stronger card and true you may not need more then a 1060 or 1070 today but say you find a heck of a deal on a 4 k monitor that's when you will be glad you invested in the better tier card not looking to have to buy twice

my haswell CPU did not drop in price when skylake came out cost more today then when I bought it as well and not as stranded to win-10 with it as you are with skylake and I'm sure the latest to be released ryzen's

you all ways her about the price drop like said above but funny it rarely happens heck look how much a 900 card cost now ? a 980 ti cost more now then when I bought it before the 10 series came out as a example .. then to boot, the 10series cant do as much . go figure

good luck

lets see

1070 and my CPU SLI top score = 16595 top SINGLE CARD score = 14175

my CPU and a 1080 ''SINGLE CARD'' top score = 15260 [guess no one ran and submitted any 1080 SLI results ?? ] Core i5-4670&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Core i5-4670&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

firestrike ultra

1070 single = 4580 Graphics Score 4779

1080 single = 5404 Graphics Score 5670 Core i5-4670&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Core i5-4670&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080

thing is you got to determain if that 1000 points are worth it

[I use non k or non overclockable CPU's to eliminate any CPU overclocking that will affect all scores to see more true GPU performance ]

good luck and don't forget the 1080 ti is coming soon they claim

Maybe i've just had bad luck with GPU's, but mine always fail after around 4 years. Future proofing on the GPU is a waste in my opinion. But yeah the 1070 is going to kill 1080p for quite a while i'd guess. Gonna need at least a 1080 for 4k, though.

Very interesting.. So, is the MSI is the best brand for the 1070 in terms of performance?
no , just showing a fair comparison . anymore these hardware reviews are just anymore sales hype and promotion reviews and you got to take them with a grain of salt . they can tend to stretch the truths a bit like comparing a aftermarket oc'ed card with a score form a lower clocked reference card to show how much better they are for instance , and you got to learn and know how to read between the lines of some reviews . and why I gave you a review of 2 same cards series from the same manufacture using the same drivers and test bed and games tested with [some times you got to be careful there as well ] .

my opinion is those who know NVidia know evga , but ???

then it comes down to luck of the draw and that slight chance of getting the lemon with any brand , but if you were to get the lemon who got your back on there product and easy to deal with for a RMA or support ??

like I say its just in my opinion but I prefer EVGA cards and MSI would be a strong 2ed choice . that's just something you have to decide and comes with user experiences and satisfaction of products and brands used over time . lot of guys feel gigabyte or zotac are great and prefer ??? just user preferences

take the review of these 2 cards look at the test set up 's of each see its not the same so its not a fair comparison right off the bat just the driver change can affect any runs drastically . heck I see that with my own stuff that a different driver sucks over the one I was using or can be far better ??

now look at this review for the BF4 page see the resolutions used ??? notice the 900 cards review that 4xAA was used but not in the 1070's ??

so how much of a hit did that make overall ??

like I say you got to be careful on how you read in to a lot of these reviews cause the truths can be manulipuladed some what

good luck

I think you made me decide to go for the gtx 1070. Then after a bit of time I'll just sell it and get the 1080 ti at that time. Thank you!!
all you can do is what YOU feel is best for YOU . not me him or the guy down the road .. cause in the end all that matters is YOU

it should do you fine and enjoy your new card

good luck

heres something else

my cpu and a 1080 single card top score = 15260 Core i5-4670&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080

my 980ti =14244

[ just think if I were able to overclock my 900 card to 1080 clocks ???] my card is 1375 and a 1080 low end reference card is 1733 ??? , ya better be a lot faster , right ?? ]

so is it worth going and spending 500 bucks for a 1080 ?? and then the 1080 cant do as much as a 900 card as far as supporting me fully ??

so many see the hype that the 10 series was so great and stronger then 900 but I sure don't see running out and dropping another 500 bucks on one and like I said the 10 series don't fully support all my needs [no xp/ vista support - no analog /vga support native off the cards [no dvi-I] , ect... ] and I'm going to pay that kind of money for one ??? don't think so - I buy hardware that supports me not me having to go spend extra to support it