GTX 1070 or GTX 980 ti HELP


May 29, 2016
So I have a gtx 970 and I was planning to sell it and get the 1070 when it comes out and guessing it will cost around 450 ,460 usd(in Bulgaria) but today I saw a guy selling his msi gtx 980 ti for 430 usd which I can probably bring down to 420 usd.So shoud I get the 980ti or wait for the gtx 1070 which will be probably overpriced in Bulgaria ?
well it´s true gtx 970 is good enough for 1080p gaming for now .
and you are not in need to upgrade your card just yet .
one more reason to be patient and wait until price drops a bit after the initial release .
just scout the market and wait for the right opportunity to buy .

what processor do you have ? what is the brand (and model) of your power supply ?

The 980ti has 2 years warranty and I have a 750w PSU ?
wait until 1070 comes out .
i´m from slovakia and i´m in similar situation: it looks 1080/1070 will be overpriced here as well ,
i too wait for 1070 because i want this card myself :
but there will be a lot of used 980/980Ti on sale in coming months
because people who own them will want to buy gtx 1080 and they will want to get rid of their old cards
so don´t worry you will miss something even if you decide not to get gtx 1070
there will be plenty of options to buy used cards in coming months .
What resolution are you gaming at? Is your 970 not putting out enough fps? Is this a case of you want to upgrade instead of needing to upgrade? I can still play all games at very high settings with a minimum of 60fps on my OC'd 780 @ 1080p. I will upgrade my gpu when I switch to a 1440p 144Hz G-Sync monitor but am still saving before I drop £1200-£1300 on monitor and gpu.

I am using a 1080p screen and I dont need to upgrade but I want to upgrade 😀
well it´s true gtx 970 is good enough for 1080p gaming for now .
and you are not in need to upgrade your card just yet .
one more reason to be patient and wait until price drops a bit after the initial release .
just scout the market and wait for the right opportunity to buy .

what processor do you have ? what is the brand (and model) of your power supply ?

Yeah that is what I will probably do.Thank for the advice.
My pc specs are
cpu: i7-6700k not OCed
16gb DDR3 1600mghz RAM
Asus strix gtx 970 OCed to 1500 mghz
PSU corsair cs750 80+ bronze


the power supply is cx750w my bad 😀 I dint have enough money for a better PSU.
well that is even worse than CS .
you may consider to replace it down the road .
CX model line is not very reliable in general .
650w good quality unit like evga G2 or corsair RMx would be a good replacement and
it will have plenty of power for one 970/1070 and i7 .

Thank you for the advice I will do that after I get my gtx 1070.