Hello... a GPU is a LOW voltage HIGH current device... Multi Traces and Pins will be used to safely distribute this high current. Due to Product and Consumer safety and possible mis-use, Anti-measures had to be employed.
Companies and Engineers spend their time and $$$$ to design counter measures into their designs and products. They sure wish they didn't... it's easy to make/design something that works, But you spend a lot more time dealing with ways/ideas in which to Prevent the MIS-Use and law suits. ( after a while you don't any more surface area on the product too put any more warning stickers on it... B D )
Putting a 8 pin connectors on the Video card would seem logical enough to tell the consumer to connect a 8-pin into the connector for power requirements... but that didn't seem to work for you B ) So the company had to employ more logic, time and $$$$ into preventing the Consumer (you?) from using (mis-using?) the product in this way B /
The Video card company wishes it didn't have to include the FREE 6 pin to 8 pin adaptors in their product Box... but there again they are aware of what the Video card needs at the power inputs, and wants the Consumer a means to get it up and running fast, and of course, with a happy safe consumer too.