GTX 1070 price Drop


Dec 15, 2016
When will the GTX 1070 drop below $300 USD? It seems that the aftermarket cards are still above the $379 starting retail, and I am on a strict budget.

Well the RX 480 made as a budget GPU to max out with 1080p. The 1070 may also struggle with it as well as it's strongpoint is 1440p. Even though Overwatch is a light game, you may want to consider a 980 Ti (not under $300) or a 1080 (again, not under $300). Just giving you all of your options.

Not quite yet. Maybe by June depending on when/if a 1070 Ti is released.

I'm aiming to run Overwatch epic seetings at 4k. I have an rx 480 4gb that can barely run high >60 fps.

they probably long gone before they can drop that low....or even if they ever reach $300 mark there are already new gen of cards replacing them....

Well the RX 480 made as a budget GPU to max out with 1080p. The 1070 may also struggle with it as well as it's strongpoint is 1440p. Even though Overwatch is a light game, you may want to consider a 980 Ti (not under $300) or a 1080 (again, not under $300). Just giving you all of your options.

But why is the gtx 980ti so expensive, even after the 10 series releases?
Because it was built to last. That's like saying why is a 2015 car so expensive even though 2016 is out. Just because you have a new generation, does not make the last-gen obsolete. The 980Ti is still a powerful card, and probably will not be lowered any time soon.

when 1080/1070 first launch there is some deal that brings 980ti price down more to 1070 level but later it seems the price going back up. nvidia high end cards usually still expensive even when new gen cards coming out because nvidia usually stop the production much earlier so by the time new gen rolls out they don't need to lower the price significantly to clear left over stock. in fact the price could end up being more expensive due to limited stock.