GTX 1070 SLI with FX-8300


Aug 1, 2017
Hi guys

my first post, I've been following the site for some time, always good tips and responds :)

Here's my question
How will a pair of GTX 1070 SLI perform with a FX-8300 @ 4.3 ? In December I bought myself a Asus Strix Gaming 1070 and with whats left over with my cash I upgraded my Phenom II 6x 1050 to a FX-8300 with a couple of bucks. I did some OC and got it stable with no sweats on 4.3 with air on a Gigabyte UDP-3P with AM3 (did not need an upgrade of the motherboard). It is performing pretty well for that proc, no worries on performance at 1080p and I never look past 60fps with my current monitor (AOC I2381). However lately I started playing Blood and Wine with the resolution scaling from Nvidia at 2560x1440p and It blew me away. I got max 60 fps at proper lightning on the trail but it drops to 38 in the woods with heavy shadowing and also during battle with heavy ligtning effects etc.(This is just an example, I'm looking forward to see the boost of performance in any game maybe even nearing 4k). Bottom line, the drops hurt.

I've always wanted a SLI build and now I have some cash to upgrade that wont hurt my wallet :) But it's not enough in my common sense to swap the CPU and the motherboard if needed as well on the same buy.


I've checked the SLI of 1070 performance and it surely will meet my needs. However, will under some circumstances my FX not bottleneck the SLI cards? Keep in mind that im targeting 60fps on 1440p with some modding on the Witcher 3 as an example.

In the future (1.5 years) I would prefer to upgrade my motherboard to AM4 and buy a Ryzen 1600 (or equivalent of a newer version if it would be premiered at that time). But is it OK to buy another card now to see how it goes with my current FX?

Looking forward to hearing from you guys

Pretty sure you are close or at the bottlenecking point of your CPU with that card. Adding another one may not help with performance if the CPU is bottlenecking.

You can do it and it will work. Just dont expect a large performance boost from doing it with that CPU.

The good thing about it is, its not like you are wasting money. You can move those cards to your new system when you get it.

I beg to differ about not wasting money. SLI'd 1070's, if you could do it on that board, would be a waste of money with that CPU. That FX processor is beaten by current gen Pentiums in some instances.
Would you pair a Pentium with a 1070 at today's inflated pricing? Probably not.

You already have a great GPU, spend the money on a new build.
Ok so the SLI is out of the question, now I see only crossfire as well. At least I got the dillema out :) So I guess im gonna do some upgrades in two steps, the mobo with the CPU and later think obout the SLI for the better resolution... Thanks guys


Obviously you didn't read my post. I said Its not like he would be wasting the money because he plans on doing SLI on his new system anyways. He would be purchasing the card one way or another. AKA not a waste of money.

If you are going to suggest inflation... you have other problems to worry about like, where you going to get that extra 2 dollors...