GTX 1070 Voltage problem ? or Bottleneck ?


Jul 27, 2016
I have a problem with my gpu , I recently bought a gtx 1070 and put it into my system which is :
i5 4590
Z97 L337 Machine MB
8GB HyperX Ram
600w Corsair Psu 80+ Bronze
And it seems to be that not all of my gpu is being used at times check the graph here:
For example , today I got on my pc and applied the OC
(+100% Core voltage , 112% Power limit, +150 core clock and +350 memory clock)
on Msi Afterburner and made sure the profile was on for 3D and 2D.
I then launched Dark souls 3 (my game right now lol) and just to let you know I am using DSR
(Digital Super Resolution) to play at non native resolutions which for this case is 1440p. So I start playing and Have the OSD on and have a smooth 60fps the whole time until a good 20-30 minutes it drops down to 37-45 ish fps which I don't find playable on dark souls. I'm not sure what to do please Help.
You cannot change the voltage. Why does everyone mess with voltage? Pascal voltage is locked and you CANNOT change it. You can overclock all day long but the voltage you have no control over. Have you created a custom fan profile with msi afterburner? Is the card getting hot and throttling back? Which 1070 exactly do you have?
The voltage change though small is enough to allow for his overclock, I got 200 core and 400ram with the same settings whereas without applying the 112% power limit and 100% voltage I could only get 125core and less than 300mem. It doesn't sound like much but my temps are still below 60 on both my 1070's so it's not hurting them by any means.

So you recommend just upgrading to an i7 ? because many people say an i5 is enough plus i only tend to game on 60hz whereas the video is 144hz. I've also had the gpu hit 100+% while gaming but it tends to go back down for some reason

I have the asus strix 1070 version , and no I have not , I kinda dont mess with custom fan profiles mostly because i dont know what to do.As for as i know , it doesnt get hot or throttle.

Well you can't adjust the voltage with pascal cards only the power limit. Voltage is locked. Just watch a YouTube video on adjusting fan profile in msi afyerburner or Asus tweak software. It's really really easy and can give you better cooling which can equate to better performance. The way gpu boost 3.0 works is the card tells itself how much voltage is needed. If the card or gpu boost sees it can push the card further in terms of power and voltage it will do so. If it sees it needs to back off power or voltage some to keep itself stable or cool it does it automatically. It sucks because pascal runs so damn cool that there is more room for overclocking at least in the temp range. There needs to be an update unlocking the damn voltage. I mean oh well I guess the cards run so good as it is now I can't really complain to much. Running bf4 in 6k wide screen res maxed out and sitting at 100fps (my monitor is 100hz) and only using 50% gpu power. I'm picking up a 1070 today for my wife's machine. I would def look into custom fan profiles.
As for your weird low fps after playing for a bit that is odd. Maybe CPU getting hot and throttling back? If we knew temps it would help a lot. NZXT's cam software does a great job monitoring your whole system and graphs it out for you. Maybe try that and when it starts to drop in fps alt-tab out and look at temps on the graphs and see where you are at on gpu and CPU

Yeah, that would be expected if the i5 can't keep up at certain parts of the game.
That's why I linked to that video. I too thought that the I5-4690 could handle any single-GPU card thrown at it. But I guess that was before Pascal. And 1440p. (1440p is 34% more pixels to render per frame than at 1080p)

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