GTX 1070 with CX450M


Aug 8, 2016
Hello everyone,

I am planning on getting a GPU for my 4 month old system, which currently is on integrated graphics.

I have decided on a GTX 1070 GPU (most likely the MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X).

Unfortunately, I am worried that my current PSU (Corsair CX450M) will barely be enough for it.

I would like to mention that I am not planning to overclock either the CPU or GPU. Most often than not, I will be running the "silent" profiles for both. In addition, my current monitor supports 1080p@60hz and I am not going to upgrade this until the end of the year. Bottom line - the GTX 1070 won't be stressed in the near future.

The full system specs are the following:

  • ASUS Z170-A
    16GB DDR4 HyperX
    Samsung SSD 850 EVO
    2x WD Red 3TB 7.2k
And these parts on a PSU calculator:

My question basically is: (1) should I upgrade the current PSU right away, (2) wait until I upgrade my monitor to support higher resolution and refresh rate or (3) just keep the current PSU unless there are stability / performance issues.

Thank you very much for your time.

The design of nearly all corsair psus are good. Good load regulation, good ripple, good protection. It's just that some of them are made from poor quality components, these poor units do not last long.

Your CX450M is a good unit. You should not have any issue running your GTX 1070 pc with it. Stop worrying and start gaming.


Aug 8, 2016

Thank you for the quick reply and for the PSU recommendation. Do you think there would be a risk continuing using the current PSU for a few months while gaming at 1080p@60hz before I get a better PSU & monitor?




well it will work if you want a reply .. but get the new one fast , and if it works dont say oh it works I will keep it , it is a cheap quality . get the RMx

hre see the difference



There is a $20 disount on the RM650x, RM550X,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=


Aug 8, 2016

Thanks again - I will get the RM650X ASAP :)

Edit: After further reading I decided to keep the unit for few months and see how it goes. In the near future I should be replacing it just for peace of mind, as the machine is also an archive for my data (a mirrored disk pair) and would hate to have any unpleasant surprises because of a faulty PSU.
The CX series may not be the greatest PSUs, but they're not bad, as in they're perfectly dependable if you're not asking too much of them. I used one in the SBM last year with an Athlon X4 860K and GTX 970. Even overclocked it. Had no problem. Considering the 860K burns as much power as an i7, I'd say you'll be fine. No need to spend more money. It's not a bad thing to get a great PSU, but don't feel like you need to or your build will catch fire or anything like that.



Quote :

Tier Four

Built down to a low price. Not exactly the most stable units ever created. Very basic safety circuitry or even thin gauge wiring used. Not for gaming rigs or overclocking systems of any kind. Avoid unless your budget dictates your choice

CX / CXM Channel Well Technology
VS Channel Well Technology

are listed in Tier 4



how do you know it is good Quality ? any reviews ?

People are saying it has noisy fans

I recently decided to upgrade my PSU (along with a new VGA and a new case) and went for the CX450M - solid performer, good pedigree, all black, good value and all. But I had to return it as I was not satisfied with the noise - yeah, to me the PSU was just too noisy. First, the fan seemed to work needlessly fast in idle - comparing to the noise generated by my other fans I'd say 800-900 RPM, easily. Way too fast for me. Also, the fan's bearing clicked quite noticeably. I really didn't want to go over my budget but in the end got RM500x and am a happy man. Yeah, it's a fresh unit, not tested yet, so it was a sort of gamble with the noise. Disclaimer - I'm quite demanding with regard to noise, so I understand that majority of users will be perfectly happy with it and call it "silent" (although it isn't).

tl;dr - CX450M turned out too noisy
A noisy fan isn't a good enough reason really to purchase a whole new psu though really is it ??
+ that fan could have been faulty.

The op hasn't mentioned a noisy fan on his now has he??
I'm not recommending him to buy a cx450m , he already has one doesn't he??
Its a decent unit , 448w 12v rail (more akin to a 500w PSU) & its a virtually a RM unit with a bronze rating.
If the 2015 model is the one he owns then he doesn't need a new PSU plain & simple , it will handle a 1070 no problem at all.



it has 448W because it is a DC to DC ... meaning All are converted to 12V and then from 12V they convert to 5V and others..

This does not make it good PSU without testing ..

Give me a review please .. DC to DC volt PSU does not make it decent.

needs to be tested .



and Who told you I disagree if it is a good one ? show me a review .

and where it says it has JAP caps ? I cant find this info can you help?

and it does not have over temperature protection , you cant compare it to decent PSU at all without this protection.

Besides the Right name of it is CX450 2015 Edition . it is easy to mistake it if you just say CX

it is not my Mistake I misunderstood it , it is Corsair stupid naming They Should have changed it to something like CXX like when they changed RM into RMx.. there are Thousands of PSU in the market , we are not robots .. .. even REDJARON did not notice it ....

and the lack of reviews as well is a problem as well..

but still the OP got the best Powersupply ... RM650x and I am happy for him .
The CX450M fan does start out at 800RPM so it may not be the quietest under low loads. There is no old CX450M so 2015 Edition isn't really necessary to know what you are talking about. CXM units ending in the "50" are new in the 450-850W range. The first review of a CX450M was released yesterday in Dutch:

As can be seen, it's a good unit for the price. For $50 it's a very good budget unit based off the RM units with some improvements and a significantly lower price. The Vengeance series has all Japanese caps - not the CXM series. But remember that Japan is just a country and there are Chinese caps out there with better quality than some series of the Japanese caps. From what was seen in the CX450M review, the only Chinese caps were three Samxon caps to filter the 12V ripple.

For $50, it's a good budget unit to match with a single GPU system. But yeah RMx is still better. But the upgrade was not necessary. And a 650W PSU is totally pointless for a GTX 1070. I would have kept the CX450M, we know his unit is new and I'm sure it had a lot of life still in it. I think upgrading to the RM650x was a lot of money for very little benefit.



If you notice , I gave him links for both RM550X and RM650X , the 650 watts was his choice. and I dont blame him , it will stay 10 years (10 years warranty) and he will fit it in like 3 systems in 10 years , it was a good Choice and smart from his side.

as for the CX issue , well sorry if it ends by 50 or 30 is not a big deal , as I said we are not Robots to remember every watt of every PSU in the market , but we remember the Model CX , and so on ...

and as you saw , even RedJaron did not notice .. and he is a powersupply expert.

This Thread is old and the OP left , some one close it already .. This is pointless.

Um, perhaps because I said it's an adequate PSU while you are claiming it's bad?

You yourself said it was a bad choice and cheap quality.

I would ask you to think carefully before making that claim as it is completely untrue. I was well aware the OP had a CX450M, which is a different model than the CX500M I used last year. I was also aware that at time of my build last year, only the 430W and 500W models were available in that power range, meaning the 450W is a newer model. Those particular details weren't critical to the discussion and I didn't feel like typing them. My statement was that the CX line, while not premium, is not as bad as some people make it out to be. This holds whether talking about the slightly older 500W model or the newer 450W unit.

Trying to pull someone else down in order to make your mistake seem less severe is poor form in the extreme.

This thread is not even 36 hours old at this point. It's not your thread, so asking to close it is not your call. Once again I remind you to stop making requests and demands that are not yours to make. If the OP requests closure, or if the thread derails into the off-topic weeds of insults and bad behavior ( of which edge you're dancing ) I or another mod will act upon it.



Aug 8, 2016
Thanks guys for all the input. Indeed, the model is the 2015 version. I don't have any issues with the fan noise. Of course you can tell the difference of overall system noise between idle and heavy load, but nowhere near distracting.

I still have the unit, I am not planning to upgrade just now. From your replies, it looks like it should handle the workloads I am planning to throw at it for the coming months.


Aug 8, 2016

As a mater of fact, I was looking at the Specs Corsair has published ( link ) and it does state that it has over temperature protection. Even the older CX line seems to have it, at least on paper...

Yes they indeed do have OTP (I'm pretty sure all of them but don't quote me on that). If you look at the Jonnyguru review of the original CX750 it shut down from OTP even. Which is a good thing because it is a safety mechanism.


The design of nearly all corsair psus are good. Good load regulation, good ripple, good protection. It's just that some of them are made from poor quality components, these poor units do not last long.

Your CX450M is a good unit. You should not have any issue running your GTX 1070 pc with it. Stop worrying and start gaming.