GTX 1080 an upgrade from the Titan X?


Mar 8, 2011
Hey all,
Quick question, and I haven't been able to locate this particular answer through various searches:
I currently have an EVGA Titan X, and while watching the E3 shows I got wondering if it would be beneficial to upgrade. From what I've gleamed from benchmark charts, it would appear that the GTX 1080 would be an upgrade, but what I'm having a hard time telling is if it would be a worthwhile upgrade. Sure I could wait till the next model, but then I could wait for the next model after that...and so on and so forth. Lets be honest....we all love getting that new video card.

At this point, would you consider the 1080 to be a viable, worthwhile update from the Titan X?
At it's current price point, getting a second one to SLI later down the road is not out of the question either. I'd just like to hear what other people have to think.

Thanks again y'all!
Well last year I had bothe the titan X and gtx 1080 with a ryzen 1600, here is my firestrike results for both

In all fairness I would not switch from a titan X to a gtx 1080. Both graphics cards are fully capable of pumping the FPS maxed out at 1080p even 1440p. The titan X has comparable performance to the 1070 which I also have tried . The main let down for the titan x is that if you are using the reference cooler it will throttle a little bit reaching higher temps and cause it to dip in FPS in games. Not to many but enough to make it fall behind the 1070 as such. The perfomance gain to me would be negligible, I would hold the...
Here is Tom's GPU hierarchy.,4388.html

The general rule of thumb is to make the upgrade moving 3 tiers. The 1080 is only one tier above the Titan X. So by that logic, it is not a great move. While you are right about waiting for the next big thing, the 1080 has been out for 2 years. It is a great card and I am not taking anything away from it, but information is king and it may be worth waiting 6 weeks to see what the next gen performance is. At least wait and see if pricing drops.

What resolution are you running? If you are not at 1440p or 4k, then don't make the move. Also, SLI is dead as disco. Don't make any decision based on using SLI. I have run 1080ti's in SLI and the best scaling is usually 20-30% and most of the time it is negative scaling.
Yeah it's a matter of which Titan X you have. Maxwell or Pascal:

I had the Titan X Maxwell & "upgraded" to the GTX 1070 some time ago. The games I was playing at the time(Dying Light, Just Cause 3, etc...) didn't really seem to improve much(at least nothing noticeable).

I should have specified it is the older Maxwell Titan. And I typically game at 1080 with all max settings, but there are some that I upscale using DSR to 1440. If I want to go to 4k I usually disable a lot of the extra graphical options. I try to get a steady 60fps or more while keeping a lot of the visual at Ultra or High. Depends on the game and the option.
From what It looks like, waiting would be well worth it.

Well last year I had bothe the titan X and gtx 1080 with a ryzen 1600, here is my firestrike results for both

In all fairness I would not switch from a titan X to a gtx 1080. Both graphics cards are fully capable of pumping the FPS maxed out at 1080p even 1440p. The titan X has comparable performance to the 1070 which I also have tried . The main let down for the titan x is that if you are using the reference cooler it will throttle a little bit reaching higher temps and cause it to dip in FPS in games. Not to many but enough to make it fall behind the 1070 as such. The perfomance gain to me would be negligible, I would hold the horse and see what Nvidia have to bring in the upcoming months as I am certain that what ever they have to offer say 1180, will be somewhat considerablately more powerful than Tx and worth the jump.

So my two cents is pretty much don't worry about upgrading as of yet, you most likely wont notice the differenceand not worth while. When or if the 11 series hits and as speculated costing to much that would be a good time to purchase a reduced 1080ti if budget holds ( as when I got a 980 ti for £270 new when 10 series launched.)