GTX 1080 - I7 8700k Poor performance?


Jul 25, 2016
So, I've recently bought a new pc and the first two weeks I had no problems at all.

Update: I play at a resolution of 1080p. And when I watched in msi afterburner I saw that the cpu usage was around 30 to 50 percent. Gpu was at 99 percent.

That kinda changed yesterday since I realized my fps was way lower than before. In the first week I got my pc I drove around in GTA V single player and the fps was good, around 90 to 120. I even went to a "heavier" location and went on top of a mountain and even there I got 120 fps. But now I drove the same route yesterday and I noticed that the fps was way lower. In the city it was from 60 to 90 and on the same mountain it now was only around 55..

The problem is I can't really remember if the settings were lower than when I played the game for a second time. Maybe I did change the settings to all maxed out the time I noticed lower fps.

In GTA V my settings were almost all maxed out, msaa 4x.
Also in Battlefront 2: It ranges from 80 to 120. But sometimes it even dropped to 58.. Never had that before.. Also Ultra pre-set.

My pc:
GTX 1080
I7 8700k (not overclocked)
16gb ram
msi krait gaming mobo with z37 chipset.
650w psu.

Can someone provide me with some footage or a list of the fps I should be getting or just say if it's normal or not? Or does someone else have experience with this?

Drivers etc. are all up to date.

Thanks in advance!
Frame rates you're getting is quite good. Grass on ultra is crysis on any system. Might change when cards can push 4k high details over 100fps but by then gta6 will probably be out and curse frame rates all over again.

Tips from Nvidia on various settings and grass quality.

Anandtech comparison 1080 vhigh quality.

Can crank settings and still be very playable on your system just dont expect 100+ fps in all games consistently.
I know when I have GTA V maxed out even with 2 GTX 1080s I can hit just under 60FPS at 4K ( took me 2 GTX 980s for 1080P though I hit closer to 90+FPS most places and 55-60 in the worst spots) though for me it is near the ocean but generally speaking everywhere else I stay over 60FPS by a least a little. Point being GTA V is a CPU and GPU hog. I am not surprised by you numbers. You could fiddle with the settings to see if you can replicate the frame rate you had but without being sure if you switched settings or not it is impossible to give you much beyond that. especially considering you didn't give us a resolution.

Sorry, I play at 1080p. Maybe setting the settings back to default would help. But still I don't think the fps I'm getting is good enough for the build I have..

You have any idea what fps I should getting in GTA V, Bf1 and SWBFII?

Okay, hopefully it's something on microsofts end and not my hardware.. But I doubt that..

Looking at cpu usage percentage is not really helpful.
If the game only use e.g. 2 threads from 12 possible on 8700k, you will see max only 2/12 * 100% = 17%...welll perhaps with some OS load 20% in total.

So I have to check all cpu threads.
Wouldn't be hardware, id say software like the rest.

Could do the rounds double checking Xbox dvr is disabled along with fullscreen optimisation found in the compatibility section of a short cut or gta5 exe.

Concerning gta5 settings since you're not sure if changed any, only settings that come to mind is grass quality and antialiasing. If grass is on ultra try lower it to high and antialiasing try turn it off to test.

Turning off Windows 10 automatic device driver updates if haven't done already might do you more good.

Reinstall GeForce drivers if proceed.
Even if you really check the number of threads, which are being used, you can not really use it to judge, if something went wrong.
Like if the game can use ony 4 threads from 12, you will get around 35% of cpu usage but your FPS is still bad because these threads are used not efficiently e.g. bad Windows update, etc.
Looking at cpu usage is not really accurate enough anymore these days.


Shouldn't my pc be able to handle those settings of the grass on ultra and antialiasing x4? I think it should, definitely on 1080p right? I mean, it's a i7 8700k combined with a gtx 1080 after all..

I'll try re-installing the drivers etc. I really hope there is nothing wrong with my hardware. I'll follow the steps of the link you've provided. Also disabling the Microsoft of Xbox or whatever it's called, in game overlay: would that be helpful? I never disabled that so my pc ran fine with it.
Grass on ultra does render vegetation to the blade, its quite the strain. Id prefer performance over that and i play gta5 on a 1080Ti as well. Imo grass on ultra is not worth the hit, not like you're going to stop and smell the roses are you in this game.

Does frame rate improve though? Do you remember having it on ultra before this problem?

Regarding antialiasing, might be worth trying dsr instead.

Disabling xbox dvr should help free up system recourses so yes it should help. Xbox dvr records your game play in the background.

Well it really doesn't matter if it's worth the hit to have grass on ultra, my problem is, is that my pc should be able to handle it perfectly and get good fps, but it's not. I do not remember having it on ultra tho. But I think it was because I used the same settings before I bought this new pc.

The game is also optimized through the nvidia experience, yet the fps is just the same.. Not how it used to be.

Okay, I will disable that when I get home. (xbox dvr)

Ummm WAY disagree. CPU usage used properly is an outstanding tool for game trouble shooting. Now I will say you need to know what your looking at. Anyways for CPU usage in GTA V. I should have been more clear. Are any threads in GTA V at 100% at any time during these stutters? Or if 3 or more threads break 85-90% then you could well could have a CPU issue in GTA V. GTA V scales decently with cores so my guess is your OK but have heard issues at the 3 core/thread mark for some users. Personally it uses every thread I have. Cores 1-6 are used heavily and their hypers not as well as stated above.

Anyways anytime your checking a game's thread usage you do need to look up if it uses one, two or three threads (common in older games and games that are not well threaded)...or conversely scales well from 4-8 threads. I have a number of games that can use all 12 of my threads, usually 6 fairly evenly and the hyper threads at half to a quarter of what ever the primary core's thread usage is (ie if core one is at 50% usage it is likely it's hyper-thread at 12-25% usage). And I have a couple games where even the hyper threads are equally used with primary threads. Point being if you know what your looking at, CPU usage can be a very valuable resource.

So what is your thread usage like in GTA V?

I will check that this evening en list the results here okay?

And applying dsr is a bad thing or?

Yeah I'll do that. Thanks. Maybe it's a new thing.. but the weirdest thing is is that it happened all of the sudden.. Performance was good the day before yesterday and yesterday, even in Battlefront 2, the fps dropped under 60...

Out of curiosity as a tech if you have any links to such posts, blogs or where ever you saw this I would be appreciative. Might disagree on the usefulness of CPU usage but I know there is always some new issue popping up and I wouldn't mind some research to keep up to date. Thanks regardless!

Well DSR can render your game at a super high resolution which helps with visual quality but it can floor your GPU because your rendering at a higher resolution. The up side is the down side. It is worth checking he is right. turn it off if on and see if that fixes it. MMMm Pc's, so much can go wrong...but the graphics are pretty pretty and building them is so much fun lol!