GTX 1080 PC Build Underperforming *help*


Apr 15, 2018
Hi my gaming pc includes:
16 gigs of 3000 mhz ram
Gtx 1080 overclocked to around 1900 mhz
i7-7700k overclocked to 4.6 ghz base clock

When I play games like CSGO, Fortnite and Battlefield I find my PC is underperforming framerate wise compared to other gtx 1080 benchmarks.

I've been thinking of overclocking my GPU further but whenever I boost the core clock all background apps crash and dead pixels appear on my monitor.

I am still open to overclocking to fix the problem if there is any way to avoid these issues.

Any ideas on how I can get my performance up to scratch?

MOBO : Gigabyte GA-Z270M-D3H Motherboard
PSU : EVGA SuperNOVA G1 650W Modular Power Supply

GPU and CPU generally don't top 70 degrees celcius
your problem is watching too many boobtube benchmark videos, no seriously so much of that stuff creates so many issues for people because they don't understand that not everyone's PC is EXACTLY the same not only that a ton of guys run benchmarks on SINGLE player and that is way different than multi. can you be a little more specific about your FPS give some numbers

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