GTX 1080 Pins


Feb 23, 2015
So i've just bought myself a new GTX 1080 and I went for this one:

However upon inspection i noticed that some of the others needed 1x8 pin and 1x6 pin connectors, where as mine needs just 1x8 pin, other than this they are all the same. I'm new to computing so forgive me for asking a potentially stupid questions.

Will having just 1x8 pin negative impact performance?

How much (if any) of a performance difference is there between 1x8 pin and 1x8 & 1x6 pin?

The extra pin would be to supply more power for those who are going for maximum overclock and are being held back by their power limits. If you are not pushing your card to the extreme, the single power connector is plenty. As a bonus, your card will use a bit less power and generate less heat.

How would reducing the number of PCIe cables reduce power? It would just affect the distribution of energy by going about less wires instead of more. If two cards are exactly identical, clock rate and everything, and one has an 8-pin connector and one has an 8-pin and a 6-pin, it wouldn't affect the energy consumption of the card, it'd just heat up the wires less.

It would mean that less power was available should the card be able to request it, however in the case of these cards without modification they will not pull more than an 8pin. Note that 17seconds said power limits, he was perfectly correct.

Yeah but he also said at the end, "your card will use a bit less power and generate less heat.".
How come versions of the 1080 that are cheaper say £590 versions require 1x8 pin & 1x6 pin, and yet the more expensive versions (£619 and above) usually only require 1x8 pin? sorry again but like I said i'm new so I'm still learning about this.
You're looking at the Founder's Edition card, which is basically the reference model as designed by Nvidia. Usually these cards are the cheapest and most basic versions. This time, Nvidia is actually encouraging people to buy custom cards from their board partners so the cost of the Founder's Edition is $100 more. What that means is that the upgraded custom models are actually cheaper than the Nvidia reference model.

It's a favor for the board partners to keep them happy and not take over too much of their sales. Buyers need to be aware of this and not jump on the first Founder's Edition they see.

I'm so stressed about picking the right one now! I've ordered the one I put at the start of the thread but which one would you personally go for if you were buying one?
I would not stress, first of all. The card you're looking at is going to be amazing. It has the benefit of external exhaust, so it blows all of its hot air outside the case. Custom cards vent their exhaust inside the case so case airflow is more important.

I do think it would be worthwhile to take a little time to look around and see if you can find one of the custom cards, which should be hitting the supply chain soon, if they haven't already. I also have no personal confirmation that they will be cheaper. I do think that if you take your time, you have a good chance of making a better decision with more options to choose from.
For a comparison the GTX980 this replaces used two 6-pin connectors which is essentially equivalent to a single 8-pin connector.

75W from the slot, 150 watt from the 8-pin connector for a total of 225W. The card's rated TDP is 180W. GTX980 was rated at 165W. So even with the 8-pin there is a little wiggle room.

I'm hoping to use some older water blocks on the 1080, so I will probably get the reference design despite the cost. Maybe. Need to see a few more raw PCB images before I pull the trigger.