GTX 1080 SLI and Fallout 4


Jul 12, 2015
I just installed a 2nd GTX 1080 and did the standard SLI setup. I fired up Fallout 4 and my FPS difference seems to be minimal at best. At 4K, went from 40 - 45 fps on 1 GPU to only about 45 - 55 fps on 2 GPUs. I am using an HB SLI bridge. I have seen much greater gains from other people... From everything I've gathered, I should be hitting 70+ easily. I DONT GET IT. Both GPUs are running, so I think have SLI setup correctly. I'm running an I7 6700K OC'd at 4.6 ghz and 64 GB of RAM. So, I don't think I'm bottlenecking. I'm confused. I ran 3D Mark to verify I was getting both GPUs firing correctly, and they seem to be as my score doubled (9903 in Firestrike Ultra). I know FO4 is not well optimized, but after seeing other people's results, I must be doing something wrong. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Just a quick note... I tried The Witcher 3 at 4K with Hairworks ON and maintained a rock solid 60 FPS. So if I can do that with The Witcher 3 maxed out WITH Hairworks, then FO4 should be a walk in the park. Something must be wrong with FO4 setup.

There are no in-game settings for SLI unfortunately. I looked through Nvidia Control Panel, but all seems normal.

It runs Witcher 3 w/ Hairworks ON like a bat out of hell. I guess I am most disappointed because Hardware Unboxed was getting 80+ with SLI 1080s when testing the HB SLI bridge. So i figured I would have no problem achieving a rock soild 60 FPS.