GTX 1080 ti crashes when rendering in 3ds max / vray


Feb 19, 2016

I have a very huge problem with my new GTX 1080ti STRIX

When i start rendering in 3ds max 2016, vray 3.5.04 the render works just fine for the first time, but when i rerender the scene, after doing some adjustments, it starts and then after a few seconds the 2nd moniotor goes black and my main monitor has been set to 1920/1080 (normally is use on both monitors 2550x1440 as native resolution)

I did uninstall all the nvidia drivers, using DDU and verified that i run the latest drivers (382.53) and win 10 updates (update 1703)

But every time i can only render one time in 3ds max, as my card (???!!!???) crashes as soon i try to render the 2nd time

Before i got the 1080 tio i used two GTX1070 (with SLI) and i never experienced this issue.

Only new parts on my PC are the GTX1080ti and the latest win10 update (1703) nothing else

Anyone has an idea whats going on here and how i can get it fixed?

I actually solved it by using 3ds max 2018 now and everything works just fine\I did try to disable all plugins, but somehow it did keep crashing on me\In regards to Lumion 7.3/7.5 (just came out a few days ago) it shows 11GB GPU ram

as stated in my original post I already did a clean uninstall with DDU 🙁

I didn't pay enough attention to that, my mistake. It also may be a configuration issue with the monitors and resolution. What is your refresh rate on each monitor? Did you use exactly the same setup on your gtx 1070 SLI? (both monitors plugged in the top gtx 1070?).

i have 2 different AOC monitors, AG271QG4 running on 144Mhz by default ( i did tried different refresh rates without any results) and a aoc 2778x - both running on 2560 x 1440 and both are connected using display port

the setup is totally identical with the prtevious one (using the two GTX 1070) i did however perform a clean driver uninstall (using DDU) before i added the GTX 1080 ti
The crazy part is that other software, like Lumion 7.3, Houdini and Rhino work just fine.

Yes i tried both on 60hz but i got the same issue

I already contacted Nvidia but unfortunately everything runs there through a forum and so far i didn't get any response back
I did reinstall my two GTX 1070 and then everything runs just fine. So i think that something within the 1080 ti doesn't like my 3ds max/vray

very annoying, especially looking at the money i paid for the new card

I just ordered a new SSD drive and tomorrow i will do a clean install, maybe it has something to do with the latest win10 update (the famous 1703)

I'll certainly will post an update if something changes after the new install

Thanks for your help and thoughts

Ever hear anyting? I'm still having this issue myself

I never could get it fixed. I uninstalled the graphic drivers so often that i don't even remember, same for 3ds i uninstalled it twice and it still gave me that issues

So badsically i bot myself a new SSD and did a fresh windows 10 install, including all the software/plugins i work with and it works now just fine
I did not install the security update, only installed 3ds SP4 - not sure if that had anything t do with this problem

I wished i could have found a better solution to get it fixed, but after 3 days installing/uninstalling and frustrations piling up i decided to reinstall and luckily that worked

aw nuts so i'm too late.
Well here's what i found, incase it happens to you again - i believe it's something to do with how the 1080ti gpu talks to the cpu, one day I turned the 3ds max Priority under Processes(Details to be more precise) to Below Normal, and then disables a cpu under Set Affinity (still in the processes/details tab)
All that is done under task manager in windows 10

Interesting, so far all looks ok here but who knows, maybe thats the solution i should have used at the first place. I will update this post if it happens to me again.
One part which came to mind was also that maybe one of the plugins i'm using was the culprit. I do remember that i received a few updates before all the problems started, but i also installed the security patch, so i'm not really sure what happened.
Obviously autodesk isn't really support friendly as everybody knows

Thanks for the info and lets see how it goes
Have you tried disabling all plugins and then test it. If it works fine then enable one plugin at a time and test render. If plugin is curlprit, you can pinpoint. One request, can you please confirm how much graphic ram does lumion7.3 shows for your 1080ti.?? Is it possible for you to please upload a render speed test video to youtube for one of default examples in lumion. There are many test videos online except for 1080ti. Regards

I actually solved it by using 3ds max 2018 now and everything works just fine\I did try to disable all plugins, but somehow it did keep crashing on me\In regards to Lumion 7.3/7.5 (just came out a few days ago) it shows 11GB GPU ram

Glad you solved it by a simple software update.
I have no solutions still now
I tried everything even the new 388.31 driver but nothing
2x1080 2x xeon 64 Gb w10 pro
Rt and these cards after 1rendering ok the nextone crash everytime
Who can help me?