Gtx 1080 ti+i7 6700k 20 fps in a 7 year old game in 1080p

not you

May 14, 2015
Hello guys

I have been replaying the witcher series this time on PC
Got to the witcher 2 and I got kind of disappointing performance

I got a 1080p 144hz g-sync monitor and most games (like shadow of war and ac origins) run fine about 80-120 fps

As my monitor has g-sync thou and I first played this game on my Xbox 360 I could deal with 30fps but not 19-20fps that's way too low :/

And this is not the same level of hardware an Xbox 360 has :/
I got an Asus gtx 1080 ti (it has the base oc that it had out of the box) (temps around 70C when gaming)

i7 6700k oc to 4.6 ghz (temps around 60C when gaming sometimes it jumps up to like 78C not sure why but only for a second and goes back to around 60C) whole CPU is around 30-40% usage and the one core with the most usage is around 70-80%

16gb of corsair vengeance lpx ddr4 ram 2700mhz

Psu xfx pro 850w (the PSU tier list on this site claimed it is reputable and I don't think it is the problem)

I don't exactly understand thou how can a so old game run this bad most of the current demanding titles run over 100fps dropping to 20 is just way too strange to me

Thank you for all your help and suggestions 😉
Probably a graphics setting. Ubersampling on by chance?
Well, the first thing i'd say is take the OC off, and try again. By the sounds of it, temps are a little high (78c in a gaming session is way to high for me!), so your CPU may have an unstable OC, which could cause issues. Run the system at stock and report back.

Use something like HWMon to monitor your system. Run HWMon and let your system idle for 20 mins. Then take a screenshot of HWmon. Then run a game, and alt-tab out of the game (while it's running) and take a screenshot again of HWmon. Now we can look at your hardware and what it's doing when at idle/load.

It could also be some backround tasks hogging resources, so check disk usage, antivirus system performance to make sure everything is okay there.

Is it just one particular game?
Probably a graphics setting. Ubersampling on by chance?
Yes other games run fine

I use msi afterburner i guess thats ok too?

I tested this oc for a long time already it is incredibly stable and it just peaks very high sometimes not in this game thou mostly in ac origins that game is stressing the cpu far more but that has no problems

and intel claims that 78C peak for this cpu is perfectly normal no problems
its not this low fps all the time but i think it should never be :/

Gpu and cpu usage and temperature aint that high cpu usally stays around that temperature (goes a bit lower when fans decide to spin more) and gpu goes a bit higher when i play for more time xP

I have my g-sync no v-sync needed imo i always have it turned off

Sure i have ubersampling on why shouldnt i? it looks good xP

Well, on the basis of what you've said (and not seeing the data) everything looks okay, hardware wise.

Are you using mods on the game? Are you using Geforce experience? Have you update to latest GPU/Mobo Drivers? Maybe try a fresh install of the GPU driver. Use the custom install option, select clean install and remove profiles too.

Is there any abnormal disk usage when you are playing?
Yes i use better texture environment mod some bugfix mods and a mod that makes me win all the dice poker (annoying minigame im glad they changed it to gwent)

i update my drivers with geforce experience but im not running it in the background
i have the latest drivers installed i always do clean install and i never set up custom profiles

no, disk usage is perfectly normal load times are very short but i dont think it affects fps

Did you by chance read the thread I linked? Turn Ubersampling off. Problems solved.

Well maybe. All bets are off with mods.

Also my 6700K at 4.6Ghz/ 1.35v won't break 70C unless I run Prime small FFTs and Intel Burn Test at the same time. And then only 2 or 3 cores go in the low 70s. Phanteks PH TC14PE.
i started reading it
all right ill try it without ubersampling and report back :)

i didnt touch voltages left them at base values
it jumps around and peaks far higher than it usually is msi afterburner sometimes shows the peak temps also and those can get high
i bet yours peak far higher than 70C too xP
It's a console port and not a great one.

i didnt touch voltages left them at base values

You mean you left them on automatic. Or you used an overclock utility. Which is why your temps are so high. 😉
"Core temperatures in the mid 70's are safe.

Also called "Tj Max" (Tjunction Max), this is the Thermal Specification that defines the Core temperature at which the processor will Throttle (reduce clock speed) to protect against thermal damage. Although Intel processors are capable of operating above 90C, we also know that excessive heat kills electronics.

SUSTAINED Core temperature greater than 80C is too hot for ultimate stability, performance and longevity.

6th Generation 14 nanometer: i7 6700K / i5 6600K (TDP 91W / Idle 2W)

*Tcase (CPU temp) = 64C

*Tjunction (Core temp) = 69C

*Tj Max (Throttle temp) = 100C"

my core temp usually is in the mid 60s a peak temp of 78C for 1 second is fine it seems 😉