GTX 1080 TI image freezes, but audio going

Aug 23, 2018

4770k 4.5 Ghz
GTX 1080 Ti palit Super Jetstream
OS Windows 10 1803 x64

I have a problem with my new GPU (a week old) 1080 Ti, when gaming sometimes image freezes, but audio keeps going. In Some games I can play for an hour and never freeze, but in Overwatch when fps hit high 200-300 The game freezes instantly.

I don`t know whether it`s my PSU or GPU, I had GTX 1070 and everything worked fine, but with GTX 1080 TI it this problem, when downvolting card and limiting power cunsumption it can last for 1-1.5 Hours before freezeing.

MSI and GPU-z tells me that there is voltage and power limit, in GPU-Z validating limit always caps performance...I don`t what to do, I don`t know the cause of problem and don`t have option with other PSU other than buying it on money I don`t have.

The temsp are fine GPU below 70c (60c-65c) CPU below 65c (55c-65c).

Several times I used DDU to reinstall drivers. Didn`t help

What can I do to diagnose the problem?

Of anyone had this problem can you pls help?

I`ll provide MSI log file in a several hours.

Thank you in advance.

It's normal for every GPU to hit their voltage and power limit on a stock GPU BIOS. your graphics card isn't the issue. it's most definitely your CPU overclock, try setting back your overclock to stock, or dial back your clockspeed, or add more core voltage. this should get rid of your issue

I forgot to list things I tried:
Clean install drivers with DDU in safe mode
Removing any overcock of the CPU (which is dead stable on previous GPU 1070)
Reseting MB bios to stock default
Trying another PSU 600Wt - same thing.
Same story on two different OS` - one is old Windows 7, another clean install Winfows 10 1803 x64

What I noticed when removing like 10 Mhz and setting power limit to 90 its more stable...and crash only in hour or so, but what causing it? My PSU could easily power 2 1070 (SLI) which it did, but i decided to upgrade to 1080Ti.

How do I test my PSU?

What to do? RMA it?

Try maxing out the power limit in MSI afterburner and open up Nvidia control panel > Manage 3D settings > Power management mode > Perfer maximum performance if you haven't already. if you're still having issues open up MSI afterburner and unlock voltage control (settings > General tab > under 'Compatibility Properties' tick 'Unlock voltage control' and 'unlock voltage monitoring') and set it to the max value for both voltage and power limit, and don't worry about this damaging your GPU in any way, every GPU's stock BIOS prevents your GPU from going to extreme values so no worries there, give this a try.