GTX 1080 with results well below expectations with i7 3770 (Possible bottleneck?)

Mar 15, 2018
Hey guys!
First of all, sorry for my english.
I am with a terrible problem. I bought my GTX 1080 2 months ago and since it arrived, I can't play without lags. There's a lot of stuttering on games and huge fps drops, especially in light games.
I play in full hd, and I know that the GTX 1080 will not always use 100% in this resolution, but my results are terrible for my kit...
On GTA V the GPU usage turns around 50-65% with a terrible FPS. I see a lot gameplay videos on youtube with the GPU usage at 99-100% combined with my CPU, and I never hit it on my pc.
My motherboard is not perfect. Some months ago it burned a memory slot and I am not 100% sure that the PCI-e are fine.
You guys think that the mobo can be the problem? PCI-e 3.0 is in the same PCI 2.0 slot and I do not know if that influences or causes the card to not have PCI 3.0 native and thus lose performance. But my old GTX 950 always work with 99-100% GPU usage.
My pc config are:
i7 3770, stock, non-k
8gb ram Kingston 1333mhz (I can not use the other comb of 8gb because of mobo)
Asus P8H61-M LX2 R2.0
GTX 1080 Galax EXOC
PSU Corsair cx550m
I am in doubt about the memories or the mobo.
If you guys would watch, I recorded a short gameplay of GTA V and Battlefield 1:
(I maximized the graphics to try make the GPU usage increase)
GTA V: The use of gpu is between 45-70%. In rare places it reaches 80% +, and when there is a fall of fps the use of gpu usually low. I've seen fps drop by around 28 and use dropped to 29%.
Also the mhz of the vga is around 1200mhz, and is very low too, I've seen 1080 gameplays from 2000 with my CPU.
Battlefield 1: In Battlefield it hardly passes of 70% also and the fps also is well below the expected one.
Other games I tested on it were lighter games like Watch Dogs 1, Rocket League, CSGO, Quantum Break, Fallout 4...
In the Watch Dogs and Quantum Break it gets 65% more or less GPU usage. But there's a lot of gpu usage drops.
In the Rocket League the FPS never exceeded 200, and a gtx 1060 holds 250 fps without problem.
The temperatures of my pc appears to be ok:
I spend a lot of money with this GPU to make my gameplay worse. Do you have any light to give me? I am using Windows 10 pro 64 bits and all the drivers are updateds. Power saver disabled. NVIDIA Control Panel selected to performance...I really don't know what can I do.
Since now thank for the attention and have a nice day!
running only a single channel of memory, you will be limiting yourself, cpu-wise, due to memory bandwidth constraints...; additionally, only 8 GB of RAM is somewhat limiting for many of today's games...., plus, quad core at 3.4 GHz with one core at 3.9 GHz is not as fast as it was in 2012...

(For sure, you will be lower than everyone else with the same CPU because of only one stick of RAM vice dual channel access)

I'd start looking for a new CPU/mainboard/DDR4 combo, or, perhaps you can find a new 3770 compatible mainboard on sale to at least allow dual channel mem access, and 16 GB, etc....
- You will never use 100% of a GTX 1080 on 1080p. That card is designed for 1440p and 4K. GPU usage isn't your problem. You can use OCCT stress tool to verify your GPU can actually hit 100% power.

- The PCIe 2.0 isn't your problem either. Also GPU and CPU temps are fine.

- An Ivy Bridge CPU will light/moderate bottleneck a GTX 1080. It really depends on the game. If you get an FPS drop, check HWinfo graph to see if the CPU usage was 100% at that time. If it is, the CPU is to blame. If you don't have a 3770k I'd consider rebuilding on Coffee Lake or Ryzen. Something like a i5 8400, 2x8GB DDR4, and a new motherboard would smooth things out. Fresh Windows install to go along with it. I would never consider pairing a powerful GTX 1080 with a 3rd gen processor with we are into 8th gen now.
@mdd1963 I saw recently a video showing the difference of single x dual channel on WD2 and the difference is huge. I have this doubt - if a dual channel can even better the performance. You think that even a 1333mhz memory with dual channel can be a good idea? I already have another 8gb memory, the problem is my motherboard. I'll try search for someone that have a 1155 mobo to test it. Thank you for your reply and have a nice day!

@rustigsmed I used DDU to completelly remove the GTX 950 drivers. I thought that this is the problem too, so I formatted the computer and install it from scratch. Doesn't work and I try use Windows 7. Instaled again and nothing changed. So I returned to Windows 10 and instaled it for the 4th time and I tried a different versions, without success :/ Thank you for your reply and have a nice day!

@jr9 I used OCCT and Heaven Benchmark and the gpu usage indeed hit 100% power. Just in games doesn't hit it. But we can see a lot of gameplays - even with my processor - with the gpu usage on 90%+ :/
I checked the HWinfo graph and when I have FPS drop normally the use of cpu doesn't change. Normally the usage doesn't pass than 70% in heavier games. The only thing that changes is the gpu usage. Just now I have a FPS drop on GTA V - like 50 to 28 fps and the GPU usage dropped down from 49% to 27% and the cpu usage remains in 50-56%.
Also I am really thinking in changing my kit to i5 8400 or Ryzen 1600, but I am searching for a cheapiest solution since I spended a lot with this gpu. On my country there's no Ryzen 5 to sell I don't know why, so the only option is an i5 8400. Do you think that this will fix my problem? On gameplays with gtx 1080 the i5 cpu usage turn in 90%+ in a lot of games. With future games - in a near future - there will be not bottleneck? Also, just a single channel of 8gb 2400mhz RAM will be fine until I buy another memory? I can't buy two memories, cpu and mobo at this time, the memory price on my country is ridiculous :/ Thank you for your reply and have a nice day!
- Dual channel memory does make a noticeable difference depending on the game. I have seen games run much better with a dual channel memory configuration and this wasn't just because the PC simply needed more RAM.

- If you tried a clean install of Windows 7 and 10 then Windows and drivers aren't the issue. If the GPU can hit 100% then the driver isn't limiting it. If you have low performance on a fresh install then the hardware (CPU, possibly RAM) is to blame. It will only get worst over time.

I'd personally start over on a new platform. An i5 8400 is a great gaming CPU. To go with it you'd need a Z370 motherboard and 8GB of RAM. I'd also try to save for 2x4GB even if it costs more. New gaming computers should always have dual channel memory.