GTX 1080ti Low Fps COD WW2


Oct 21, 2016
Its like my GPU is capping the game around 60 fps. Have up to 165hz and always stays around 60. Tried adjusting all in game settings and resolutions as well as all Nvidia control panel Setting and resolutions. Ive tried everything possible. Reinstalling/updating nvidia drivers. Uninstalling the game and then installing it on an ssd. Run with only one monitor and disable my side two. Changing the power target for Evga precision x. Updating windows drivers. Literally every option possible ive tried. Anyone else having this problem with the 1080ti. Also my gpu temp while in game is like 40c. And when i run other games like BF1 its around 60c. And btw no other games have this problem, only COD WW2. It seems like my gpu is bottle necking the game cause its only running at 40c. Also I tried running it on a spare 1080p monitor and still 60fps. Lastly i tried msconfig and restarting with everything disabled to rule out the problem. No dice. Please Help.

i7 6800k
32gb ddr4
850w psu
gtx 1080ti
I have the same problem, this game runs like absolute garbage for whatever reason in multiplayer especially. even turning down everything i get 60-80 frames.I agree with lucky, guess we just have to wait..

I have the same issues even on low settings ill drop to like 14 FPS and it will freeze and then it comes back and I'm dead. It's also not scalling to SLI like very other game does it will only run 1 card and my card sits at like 80% used yet it runs like trash. I manually set it to run SLI and it went down two 2 FPs and pined my computer RAM at 24GB no idea why it was eating so much up. Put it back to 1 card and that problem fixed but still shitty FPS.

I'm running
Ryzen 7 1800x
1070 OC in SLI
I have msi gtx 1080ti x and it goes from 60fps to 50 and in the worse cases drops to 30.. so sometimes is frustrating when from 60 goes 30 suddenly 50-60.. drops again.. I was about to kill my self .. but reading that I’m not the only one with this issue.,I can live another day.

I7 6850k
32gb 3000mhz vengeance
Gtx 1080ti
Corsair h100