GTX 460 upgrade


May 8, 2014

First of all, I want to say I'm new here, so I don't know if I have got the right catogory.
Let's get to the main subject.
Right now I got an GTX 460 1gb(dunno what brand).
Last couple of days, a friend of mine offerd me a xfx HD 5850 for 60$
Is it a good upgrade, or should i get a HD 6870 for 90$?
Or should i get another card?
I'm only doing this because my GTX 460 is showing artifacts even though i haven't OC'ed it and I can just get another card, but then I have to wait 3 weeks...

Thx in advance!
The two cards offer similar performance to each other, and are slightly better (one tier) than your GTX460. If you are satisfied with your performance, then either of those upgrades would probably work well for you.
If you're willing to buy another card anyway, it may make more long term sense to make it a more meaningful upgrade, such as a GTX750Ti, R7 265, or R9 270.
The two cards offer similar performance to each other, and are slightly better (one tier) than your GTX460. If you are satisfied with your performance, then either of those upgrades would probably work well for you.
If you're willing to buy another card anyway, it may make more long term sense to make it a more meaningful upgrade, such as a GTX750Ti, R7 265, or R9 270.

Okay, but one more question if I could ask it, is it possible to play DayZ SA and BF4 on high at 1080p with any of those cards(5850, 6870) and the ones you just said with reasonable FPS(higher than 30 etc.)?

I do not have either game, so take my answer with a grain of salt, but I believe the answer is "Yes;" you said "High," not "UltraMaxOhWOW," and in any case they all beat the GTX460. The other cards I listed are more powerful that the cheaper ones available to you, but you only need to care about that if you're really not happy with the GTX460's performance.
Have you tried turning down the clock rate about 5%? Should help the artifacting situation.

That said, the 5850 is a decent step up in terms of performance. You'd see around 15% or so increase. I don't think the 6870 would be worth it though.

If you can spend around $100, you can get a R7 250/250x, or even a 260x for $105 that Sapphire has now.