GTX 470 Replacement ?


Aug 21, 2015

unfortunately my graphics card just died 🙁. I bought it like 6 years ago so it has done it's duty.
But as always, it died at the worst possible time, absolutely minimum cash available right now.

So any recommendations, with which card (as cheap as possible) I could replace it to get the same power as with the GTX470 (no i don't need more power), much appreciated.

Exact model which I had:

The only Nvidia cards that I personally think are worth upgrading to are: GTX 950, GTX 970 and GTX 980 Ti.

950: I'm guessing it'll be available for sale in the US next week. Reportedly the performance will be between that of the 750 Ti and the 960. With it's existence, I don't think purchasing the 960 makes sense anymore. Approximate price: US$150

970: Awesome card to max out 1080p games. Approximate price: US$325 - $350

980 Ti: Best enthusiast card in the market, in my opinion. Approximate price: US$650 - $670

* What games do you currently play? What resolution and FPS? What are your system specs, including your power supply's mfg/model? Ultimately your budget is going to dictate which GPU you'll get.
I have to retract my earlier statement about the 960 no longer being a viable option with the 950. Today I just noticed the 950 selling on NewEgg for prices that are way too close to have of the 960. If you're looking for card in the price range of the 950/960 then please compare and contrast the price and performance of those two cards. The 950 isn't the obvious blowout that I expected, when comparing it to the 960.
To answer what kind of games i usually play...not very graphic intensive games i.e. Wildstar, Diablo, poE and a bit WoW. Hence the GTX 470 was still good enough before it gave up.

How about AMD, aren't they usually a bit cheaper than nvidia?

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