unfortunately my graphics card just died 🙁. I bought it like 6 years ago so it has done it's duty.
But as always, it died at the worst possible time, absolutely minimum cash available right now.
So any recommendations, with which card (as cheap as possible) I could replace it to get the same power as with the GTX470 (no i don't need more power), much appreciated.
Exact model which I had: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127513
unfortunately my graphics card just died 🙁. I bought it like 6 years ago so it has done it's duty.
But as always, it died at the worst possible time, absolutely minimum cash available right now.
So any recommendations, with which card (as cheap as possible) I could replace it to get the same power as with the GTX470 (no i don't need more power), much appreciated.
Exact model which I had: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127513