I am working on a possibly dead GTX470. I am unable to install the driver, card started to report itself as a standard VGA adapter no matter what, tested on 2 PCs.
To cut things short, after checking the card with nvflash, i foud out that the hardware ID of the card changed from 10DE.06CD to 10DE.06C8 eventhough it still reports 06CD in the bios i extracted from it and flashing another 470 bios does not help, card still reports itself as 06C8, which is not recognized by nvidia driver.
After digging even deeper i found out that the hardware ID is hardcoded into the card and can be changed only by hard-modding some capacitors on the back of the card. That way the hardware ID can be changed to Quadro or whatever you want. Procedure for GTX690 can be found here:
I tried to hack the driver by adding this ID into the driver inf to make it think that 06C8 is GTX470 but no luck - when tried to install, it reports wrong CRC of the inf - looks like nvidia now tries to protect their cards from soft-modding.
Probable cause of the fault is that some tiny piece of shit capacitor or resistor on the back of the card went dead and this changed the HW ID.
Any ideas what to do now? Someone have a scheme what to replace to bring it back? RMA period is long gone and i already have a new GTX970, but i take it as a challenge to bring it back to work
I am working on a possibly dead GTX470. I am unable to install the driver, card started to report itself as a standard VGA adapter no matter what, tested on 2 PCs.
To cut things short, after checking the card with nvflash, i foud out that the hardware ID of the card changed from 10DE.06CD to 10DE.06C8 eventhough it still reports 06CD in the bios i extracted from it and flashing another 470 bios does not help, card still reports itself as 06C8, which is not recognized by nvidia driver.
After digging even deeper i found out that the hardware ID is hardcoded into the card and can be changed only by hard-modding some capacitors on the back of the card. That way the hardware ID can be changed to Quadro or whatever you want. Procedure for GTX690 can be found here:
I tried to hack the driver by adding this ID into the driver inf to make it think that 06C8 is GTX470 but no luck - when tried to install, it reports wrong CRC of the inf - looks like nvidia now tries to protect their cards from soft-modding.
Probable cause of the fault is that some tiny piece of shit capacitor or resistor on the back of the card went dead and this changed the HW ID.
Any ideas what to do now? Someone have a scheme what to replace to bring it back? RMA period is long gone and i already have a new GTX970, but i take it as a challenge to bring it back to work