I found EVGA 015-P3-1480-KR GeForce GTX 480 @ http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+GTX+480&id=100 . Newegg and almost every online shop i know doesn't have EVGA gtx 480 (Its out of stock or discontinued) . Even if they did they charge a price of $500 of price. I am looking forward to buy the card around $200 (a new one ofcourse). Most of my friends had this card and i know a lot of people bought card for being cheap and giving a good performance. If you know any place to buy this card for around $200 let me know. I saw a few deals at Ebay for $266 . Please suggest me anyother shop tat offers for a less rate
Please excuse my grammar .
Please excuse my grammar .