Gtx 550 ti bf3 (Need a new gpu? Can overtime a gpu slow down?)

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Sep 21, 2011
Hello everyone,

I play a lot of battlefield 3 and Skyrim with tons of mods, but last week i found one of my RAM sticks being the problem of several blue screens, so i ordered another stick that had a different heat spreader but same voltage and speed. Once it was installed i thought i can play battlefield 3 at my nice high settings and running it around 40-60 fps that i have missed for an entire week (Thinking my ram was slowing my computer down and dropping frames.) but now the frames have dropped dramatically between 20-35. Even on low it would raise the fps and cap about 35 sometimes.

What is happening that could be creating such a drop in performance? Is my gpu growing much slower over use? I plan on purchasing a 7950/7970 but im afraid my video card might not be the problem.

(Skyrim plays at 60fps and drops to 40 in combat with mods on)

My specs:
HDD: Western Digital 500gb 7200rpm
Motherboard: MSI p67a-c43 (b3)
PSU: Antec 620w
RAM: Corsair vengeance (2x4gb) 8gb 1600mhz
Video Card: MSI Gtx 550 ti (Factory overclocked)
CPU: i3-2120 (Hyper threading on)

Battlefield 3 Settings (Now at low due to trying to bring fps up):
Resolution:1600x900 60Hz
Graphic Quality: Custom
Texture Quality: High
Shadow Quality: Low
Effect Quality: High
Mesh Quality: High
Terrain Quality: high
Terrain Decoration: High
Antialiasing Deferred: Off
Antialiasing Post: Off
Motion Blur: Off
Anistrophic Filtering: x16
Ambient Occulsion: Off (Sometimes SSAO whenever im in the mood)
im using 670 for bf3, i can play on ultra, all bells and whistles. if you can get a 660ti it should serve you well.

using 2500k @4ghz also
Are you sure the ram you bought is the same, cuz even if its the same voltage and speed it needs to be the same ram chips to run dual channel. And what FPS were you getting before the ram broke?

You wont notice the difference between 16x and 8x anisotropic filtering
BTW for the same price the XFX 7850 Performs better.

Your CPU is pathetic for Skyrim aswell

Yes I know, but this little cpu have served me quite well for the price, however i plan on upgrading to either the 2500k or more preferably one of the IB i5s

Should i get the Radeon HD 7850 or try to go for the 7870 or even the 7950?
Thank you all for the replies, it does help me in a decision to upgrading but i really want to know what is causing Battlefield 3 to slow way down after getting good framerates before?

Edit: Im replacing the RAM, finding they are both different chipsets.
I reinstalled windows 7 and replaced the RAM, all the framerates are back to their glory.

(I installed the RAM first and tried different video drivers, all failed until i did a fresh installation of windows.)
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