GTX 550ti BSOD (urgent help please) 52111094


Jan 10, 2014
Hi, my friends gpu stopped working out after a year, and was getting a new one, so he gave it to me, because I just finished a 500$ build, and don't have a gpu yet. I am getting a blue screen of death on my desktop. I don't know what driver version to download..... With the latest one, as soon as I log in, my monitor just turns on and off before I can log in.... The error is 52111094, and has happened before. With driver. 326.80 beta, I can make it to the desktop and to msi afterburner where it idles at 47 degrees Celsius, and I try to turn fan to 75% and it becomes loud and temp drops to like 35 degrees, and one time I was able to play skyrim for 30ish second, and I enjoyed it, but it was so short. Driver then crashed and recovered and continued happening until bald. Sometimes monitor just turns off... And then after a while turns on... And continues until bsod. It's not ram or motherboard because he tried on two pcs (one with i5 3570k, and 3930k) and I tried with fx4300 and ga 78lmt usb3 motherboard.. Not ram, or mobo, or anything else, because it works with my gt630.. Help!safe mode works, I go there, uninstall, come back, and install different driver.. But crashes while idle.. I will try to replace thermal paste, would that help? I don't think that's the issue.. Help please, want to play skyrim.. Only startup program is origin
Since you just finished your new build...Have you installed all the windows updates? there should be more than a 100 of them? How many have you installed so far?

I installed all nessicary update. All the optional ones are just language packs. Hellllpppp 🙁
0x00000116 this error does indicate a graphics driver issue though. you are correct. First check all updates. I would also delete all the old drivers, including the ones from your gt630. After they are completely removed, go to your cards website and download the latest drivers.
Since you've tried in multiple systems with the same result, I'd think the card is probably bad. If your friend still has the receipt and if its still under warranty, see if he can get it replaced under warranty. It doesn't really sound like a heat issue since its crashing while idling in windows at less than 50c. Make sure you have hooked up any auxiliary PCIe power cable that the card requires (probably a single 6-pin power connector). If the card starts to get too hot, the fan should get very loud, but that doesn't seem to be happening. GPU-z can help log temps and will show you a max/min - set it to "log to file" since it will crash if windows crashes (you can then reboot and look at the log file to see your temps right before the crash). But really, it seems more to me that the card is just bad and needs to be replaced.

The system was a prebuilt, so the 1 year warranty expired... Would the ECS (vendor) be able to help without warranty? I don't think so huh? I have around 130$ so I can buy a gtx 750. Would that be a nice but? I might be able to save up more. (I'm 13)

I have a corsair cx430 v2. I also tried on an antec 600 watt and a seasonic 800 watt. (All 80+ certified). Would a new card be the way to go?
Wait, did the 550 ti work fine in your friend's machines? Or is the reason he changed cards because the 550 ti started acting up? I read your first post to mean that your friend was also having problems with the card in two different machines. But maybe I misunderstood?

Same issue on his machine. Could it be a hardware issue? Sucks that I just sold my gt 630... Now I'm gpu'less. I need to buy a new gpu In one or two weeks now.

Yes, when the card has been tested and is malfunctioning in three different machines then the most likely problem is that the card is bad. I'm not sure how the warranties work on pre-builts. But yeah, you've tried three different systems, different PSUs, and it sounds like you've uninstalled the old drivers and reinstalled them properly. You could look for an older nvidia driver if you want and try that but it probably won't help - it is most likely just a card that went bad.

Ok, thanks, I guess I I'll be getting a new graphics card then. Suggestions before I give you best answer?