GTX 560 resolution question


Oct 10, 2011
Gigabyte Geforce GTX 560 at a resolution of 1366 X 768 on a 32" tv screen? Good, Bad , or Ugly.

If it is completely terrible then what is the best looking resolution I should stick with for a screen of that size. I'd like to game, watch movies, and just cruise the Internet while sitting across the room

I've searched so much I have a headache and all people seem to talk about is the 560 Ti. If I wanted to look at the Ti I would have typed it in you know. And if this answer was posted already, I'm sorry but I don't have time nor the ability to reason with looking through 1300+ pages to find it.

The computer is still in the building stage but Vid card has already been installed. But I'm still looking for a monitor. I'd like it to remain a TV just for the simple fact that this set up is in a bedroom with only 6 outlets, 4 of which are on the other side of the room.
