I am planning to upgrade my GPU on my PC since now i have an GTX 460 GAINWARD 768MB and it kinda sucks .I have an i5 2500k.My friend at start recommended me to get a AMD 6950 gigabyte 3 fans edition but i needed a new PSU (650watt i heard) i have 550 watt now so i decided to get a gtx 560 cuz it doesnt need more than 500 watts less.So i am arguing which version to get.First i went for Gigabyte GTX 560 non ti but i think Ti is better cuz it has more Cuda cores?Then i found the MSI but i didnt want to voltage change (want to oc it to 1GHZ) and then i found the GIGABYTE GTX 560 ti SOC 950MHz edition.The price for the SOC is 260euros the MSI 220 and the gigabyte non ti 200.So is the Ti much better than non ti?Bcz my friend says to get the gigabyte gtx 560 non ti cuz he has it on 1ghz with no voltage changing.
Helpful links:
MSI TWIN FROZR GTX 560 ti http://www.msi.com/product/vga/N560GTX-Ti-Twin-Frozr-II-OC.html
Gigabyte non ti gtx 560 : http://www.pcgamingbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/review-gigabyte-gtx-560-oc-edition.jpg
GIGABYTE SOC GTX 560 Ti : http://www.google.gr/imgres?q=gigabyte+gtx+560+non+ti&um=1&hl=el&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=923&tbm=isch&tbnid=6doyt2TeL92RbM:&imgrefurl=http://www.vgadownload.com/tag/geforce-gtx-560-ti/&docid=7QzrHQ_xt3G_kM&imgurl=http://www.vgadownload.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/GIGABYTE-Super-Overclock-Series-GV-N560SO-1GI-950-GeForce-GTX-560-Ti.jpg&w=1174&h=664&ei=WhCXTtadM-Ha4QSE2eWBBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=470&vpy=304&dur=537&hovh=169&hovw=299&tx=142&ty=84&sig=118068210358448065704&page=1&tbnh=100&tbnw=176&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0
In other words are 386CUDA cores (ti) better than 336 (non ti)?Whats the difference in FPS?Or in general tell me how much FPS does ti have more than non ti.
I dont want to pay 60 euros more just for 2-3 FPS.
Thank you so much
I am planning to upgrade my GPU on my PC since now i have an GTX 460 GAINWARD 768MB and it kinda sucks .I have an i5 2500k.My friend at start recommended me to get a AMD 6950 gigabyte 3 fans edition but i needed a new PSU (650watt i heard) i have 550 watt now so i decided to get a gtx 560 cuz it doesnt need more than 500 watts less.So i am arguing which version to get.First i went for Gigabyte GTX 560 non ti but i think Ti is better cuz it has more Cuda cores?Then i found the MSI but i didnt want to voltage change (want to oc it to 1GHZ) and then i found the GIGABYTE GTX 560 ti SOC 950MHz edition.The price for the SOC is 260euros the MSI 220 and the gigabyte non ti 200.So is the Ti much better than non ti?Bcz my friend says to get the gigabyte gtx 560 non ti cuz he has it on 1ghz with no voltage changing.
Helpful links:
MSI TWIN FROZR GTX 560 ti http://www.msi.com/product/vga/N560GTX-Ti-Twin-Frozr-II-OC.html
Gigabyte non ti gtx 560 : http://www.pcgamingbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/review-gigabyte-gtx-560-oc-edition.jpg
GIGABYTE SOC GTX 560 Ti : http://www.google.gr/imgres?q=gigabyte+gtx+560+non+ti&um=1&hl=el&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=923&tbm=isch&tbnid=6doyt2TeL92RbM:&imgrefurl=http://www.vgadownload.com/tag/geforce-gtx-560-ti/&docid=7QzrHQ_xt3G_kM&imgurl=http://www.vgadownload.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/GIGABYTE-Super-Overclock-Series-GV-N560SO-1GI-950-GeForce-GTX-560-Ti.jpg&w=1174&h=664&ei=WhCXTtadM-Ha4QSE2eWBBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=470&vpy=304&dur=537&hovh=169&hovw=299&tx=142&ty=84&sig=118068210358448065704&page=1&tbnh=100&tbnw=176&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0
In other words are 386CUDA cores (ti) better than 336 (non ti)?Whats the difference in FPS?Or in general tell me how much FPS does ti have more than non ti.
I dont want to pay 60 euros more just for 2-3 FPS.
Thank you so much