Gtx 570 or 660 non ti for 1440x900


Jan 13, 2013
What is better?

I'm sure newer games would push these cards to the max at 1080p but would I still be ok at MAXING games at 1440x900 with these cards?

I can live with no AA but I'm concerned if I can turn other settings at max.

Are the gaming differences that huge? I'm also a video editor and I've heard that the 660 is horrible for video editing but again if the gaming differences are huge vs the 570 then I'm gonna get the 660 non ti.
Id go with the gtx 570 at that res.I would normally say 660 gtx since it has more vram but at that res for gaming you would get very similar performance.
Here's an "on paper" comparison of the 2 cards in question as they pertain to gaming.
As you can see, the 2 cards trade blows over texel rate and pixel rate. But the older GTX 570 requires a lot more heat and power to get there. Both cards will require a PSU of decent size. What is the make/model of yours?

Here is another comparison that may help you decide: