Gtx 570 recall?


Aug 27, 2010
I'm just trying to find out some information I have been looking around online for the past couple days and notice that most to all of the gtx 570 line on newegg is unavailable for purchase. Are they not keeping up with the demand for these things are the manufactures not keeping up.

Thanks for any info you guys can give me. I'm still looking to buy s video card to complete my build.

There was a thread about this awhile back. Newegg has four 6990s listed, only three are in stock.

6970? 10 listed, 6 models in stock.

GTX590? Four listed, one in stock.

The 580 and 570 seem to be fine. I'm not sure why you think there is an issue with them. Looking only at GTX 570s I see 7 EVGAs available, 2Gigabytes, and 3 MSIs if you consider them a top brand. There might be a lot of day to day fluctuations going on. The dual GPU cards are seemingly dead in the water however.


Sep 12, 2011
I see 6 EVGA's in stock right now on Newegg. and like 15 different GTX 570's from 6 manufacturers, all in stock.

But the GTX 560 ti, 570 and 580 have been selling nicely lately because of the free Batman game it comes with. I was about to scoop up a pair of GTX 570 myself for $280 after rebate with 2 free games each.

but right before that happened, I won a pair beastly, unlocked 2GB MSI HD 6950's on ebay. Came with all the boxes, accessories, everything. $220 each.

I have them running with all shaders unlocked, but with the HD 6950 BIOS. I overclocked each one to 1000MHz core with no voltage mod. I get better scorces then what other people get with 950MHz 6970's in CF : )

But I would advise against hunting for unlockable 6950's. I just got REALLY lucky. The previous owners didn't even know they could be unlocked.