GTX 650 ti vs GTX 750 (NON ti)


Jul 3, 2014
Hello. I'm building a budget gaming pc for my friend and was wondering between these two specific cards, which would be the winner? The price is identical, and the 1gb vs 2gb difference is negligible since he will not be playing at high resolutions.

GTX 650 ti

GTX 750 (NON ti)

I know people like to list gpu boss answers, however the numbers on that site have proven to be quite unreliable.

First I used that site to compare gtx 650 ti to gtx 750. According to that, 650 ti wins.

I then compared the 750 with a R7 260x (A previous card I was considering) they were essentially identical scores, with the 750 just barely leading by a few points.

Here's where that site loses credibility, though. comparing gtx 650 ti to r7 260x, the 260x blows the 650 ti out of the water.

By all logic if if 650 ti beats 750, and 750 is equal to 260x, then 650 ti should beat 260x

So as you can see, I've come to not trust those random numbers generated on gpuboss.

So if anyone could shed some light on the subject, I would greatly appreciate it!
Hmm, I would have figured the ti since the 750 is (essentially) a rebranded 650, and would have thought a 650 ti would have been somewhere along the lines of a 750 ti. Thanks for your answers! On the subject - is there any better card out there in the same $110 and under price range? (110 is already pushing what little he can afford) or are these two pretty much the best in this price range? I'm not dedicated to either Nvidia or ATI. Used both brands, satisfied from both spectrums. :)