Gtx 650ti "dead pixel" problems


Mar 5, 2013
I just build a new PC but i'm having some problems.
Whenever i'm just using Windows some "dead pixels" seem tot appear on my screen.
When i go over them with my cursor they dissapear again but they just keep randomly coming back.
When i'm trying to play a game, any game, it just won't load all the graphics.
I'm using a 3 screen setup but i hoped that it would work properly, at least when i'm just surging the web.
I hope you have some idea of what the problemen might be.

My setup:
Asrock 970 extreme 4
AMD fx-8350
Nvidia gtx 650 ti (asus direct cu2)
16gb ddr3
Samsung 840 ssd running windows 7
Corsair builder cx600
1 TB hdd
3 TB hdd
Yes, the pixel appear in random places over all three screens.
And for the drivers i've installed the newest nvidia drivers (314.07) so i'm not sure what might be the problem...