GTX 660 lag


Nov 8, 2012
hi, i have an i5 + Gigabyte gtx 660 system. im using the latest 310.70 RC nvidia drivers.
my overall gaming performance are great and i get steady fps on most games but every couple of minutes im getting a lag for a second my fps drops to 1 and then back to normal. it's happening even on lowest settings and my system health and temp status are okay. i tried installing the WHQL drivers but that didn't help.
please help me.

thank you.

no, this card is factory overclocked and the problem just started recentley.
Run a scan with Malwarebytes AntiMalware. Remove whatever it finds.Then turn off windows upate
Uninstall the drivers.
Download driver fusion
Reboot system in safe mode and run driver fusion.
Reboot again.
Re-downloaded drivers
Turn on windows updates.

This would be a good time to consider installing Simple Perfomance Boost to optimize your Windows settings. It’s easy, safe and fast. Here is a video on doing this optional step:

actually im using the new 310.70 beta. i don't think that the problem is with the driver because it worked before and there are no reportings of this issue online with this driver.
I would try doing what i mentioned worse thing that can happen it does not help.It's worth a try 😉

thank you, i will try these and see what happens. i recently installed eBoostr and it's allocating 2.3 GB of my 8GB RAM for caching. i still have about 2.7 GB Free when browsing and using apps. do you think it could be a memory issue? even on games i have at worst case 2 GB Free.

hi, i tried all of the above and installed the 307.96 official drivers but still the same problem.

could it be a hardware problem?
It could be yes.Could you open task manager, press Show processes from all users, maximize the window, sort it by user name, take screenshot and upload it? Maybe... you've got some extra processes running in the background which are crippling your performance.
Maybe something is wrong with your power supply and the card is choking from lack of power? That's the only other thing I can think of, although it's weird that it only has lag dips in certain intervals.

Do you experience the lag dips whenever there is something demanding in the game (Explosion, smoke, etc..)?

my CPU Usage during the lag is 43%-50%.


these are the process running while in game.

the problem also happens in low graphics games when my CPU usage is less than 20%.

i tried turning V-sync on and off but it didn't help.


that's the weird thing it happens randomly even when my GPU is not on full clock and load.

by the way i have a 430w seasonic PSU. ive been told that's enough to manage this card.
Well i don't think so because seasonic is very reliable.calculating the GPU power consumption here, not the total PC power consumption.

Measured power consumption

System in IDLE = 132 W
System Wattage with GPU in FULL Stress = 230 W
Difference (GPU load) = 98 W
Add average IDLE wattage ~10 W
Subjective obtained GPU power consumption = ~ 108 Watts

Mind you that the system wattage is measured at the wall socket side and there are other variables like PSU power efficiency. So this is a calculated value, albeit a very good one.Here is Guru3Ds power supply recommendation:

GeForce GTX 660 - On your average system the card requires you to have a 450~500 Watt power supply unit.

If you are going to overclock GPU or processor, then we do recommend you purchase something with some more stamina.Source:,7.html

I for one believe your PSU might be the problem. Seasonic makes great PSUs, I was stupid enough to buy a Raidmax RX-700AC 80+ bronze certified, still it delivers more watt than I need and I got just about the same build as you, except the PSU ofc.

Nvidia also does recommend 450 watt as a minimum, and not just a PSU which features 450 watt, a PSU that delivers 450 watt. A lot of Companies fool their customers by high watt numbers, but most of the time those numbers are lying. My raidmax PSU only delivers 540 watt even though it's a 700 watt PSU.

If you know someone with a better PSU, then ask if you could try to borrow it and put it into your build, so you're sure it's the PSU.

Hope you figure it out! :)


is there a way to measure my components watts intake?

hi, according to this,3297-23.html

even with an i7 + my GPU on load the intake doesn't go above 320W, so how the PSU is not enough?