GTX 660 making a lot of noise


May 16, 2014
in the past week inoticed that my gtx 660 is making a lot of noise more than usual it doesnt really bother me as i use headphones but should i be conserned by the noise is it something bad?
If the noise is fan noise, it is overheating. Open the case and blow the dust bunnies out of the case and GPU. If the problem still persists, it may be that by now after heavy gaming for long sessions, the thermal paste has dried out between the GPU and the heat sink. Remove the old and put new on.
If the noise is fan noise, it is overheating. Open the case and blow the dust bunnies out of the case and GPU. If the problem still persists, it may be that by now after heavy gaming for long sessions, the thermal paste has dried out between the GPU and the heat sink. Remove the old and put new on.