gtx 660 sli vs gtx 1060 and i5 upgrade

Kirra Fisher

Mar 10, 2014
So I wanna upgrade to a gtx 1060 from the 2 gtx 660s I have and wondering if it's worth the performance boost and also wondering what the performance boost would be.

The second question is also about upgrading. I have a 3570k, haven't overclocked since didn't need to but just wondering if an upgrade to like a i5 6500 would be worth the boosts as well. I have been hearing mix responses like i5 2500k and up are find for any build and others say that there is a significant increases in generations. Any experts out there that can explain that would be most appreciated. Thanks all
Forget about 660 SLI...get the 1060 instead. Also, yes the 3570k is still rock solid as it overclocked well. I run 2500k and want to upgrade my platform but it is not needed. Sell off the 660 for whatever you can get and get the 1060.
no your CPU is fine...the performance increases are not that great from sandy bridge to present as far as gaming FPS go...if your gaming at 90hz or faster then an argument could be made for those running sandy bridge based CPU's (which i have though its a hexacore variant) to want a better CPU. I only game at 60hz so even at 4K good old sandy bridge @ 4.2GHZ (oc obviously) is plenty for me. And will be even for a GTX 1080 Ti when it launches. yes yes i know nvidia says even a i7 6700 is a bottle neck but again this is for greater the 90hz gaming not 60hz. All that said the GPU boost would be very worth while upgrade.

no he has 2 GTX 660 in SLI that he is upgrading from...not not a GTX 660 SLI vs GTX 1060 question. just a "is it worth the upgrade" question...which it certainly is.

Yes, I miss read, but still the 1060 is a better jump. The 1060 outperforms it and has a tons more VRAM. It's a no brainer in my mind.
Thanks guys for the quick answer. Sorry but just wanted to ask one question, atomicWAR said that sandy bridge processes have problems over 90hz gaming and I wanted to go for 144hz monitor. Is the i5 3570k still viable?
I have SandyBridge and experience no bottleneck in games. I can't comment on what atomicwar stated cuz I've never heard of him/her. This idea that a 4 year old quad core isn't good is insane. It'll run extremely is your overclock?

Also, if you are comparing 120 to 125-130...they are the same. There is a margin of error and have no reason to upgrade.

EDIT. I didn't realize atomicwar was a person that posted..I thought it was a youtuber. Still, I'd like evidence that the 3570k lacks at performing well from more than one source. Most in depth reviews I read suggest that upgrading from 3570k to new i5 isn't worth it...put the money in the gpu.

I did ot mean to sound if sandy bridge was not good enough. I run one myself. It's only in greater then 90 FPS it can be considered a bottleneck and even then not by much as even the newest skylake CPU will (depending on the game) have trouble maxing out a 144hz monitor. thus the small performance difference i mentioned. So to be clear unless you are dead set on the absolutely fastest frame rates trying to hit or get close to 144hz...sandy bridge and above is more then sufficient. you can compare them here with more accurate benchies then i mentioned...

If want to know just how fast your CPU can crank frames out. try this. Drop all graphics settings down to the lowest possible setting including the lowest resolution. Run fraps and benchmark the game in question. Generally speaking if a game can crank out X number of frames at low resolution then the CPU (not the gpu mind you) is capable of that frame rate at any resolution assuming your GPU is fast enough to do it. So if game X gives you 130 frames at 640x480...then same will be true at 1920x1080 or greater...for the given CPU used. Hope that clears things up. I would have sent last night but I fell asleep.

PS envy...thanks for the vote of confidence : ( while the last year I have not been posting as much I have finished as the top problem solver as recent as last year (don't ask me why toms peels back results every few months from profiles...I wish they did not. Unless you place in the top 5 every month recently, people never remember you long)