GTX 660 SLI?

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May 18, 2012
Okay so I'm building a PC and looking to get MSI gtx 660 and planning to get another one to run in SLI mode next month.

After seeing benchmarks it adds about 30 to 40fps more with SLI mode so 2 of them, does anybody agree or is getting 2 not worth it.

I'm on budget so can't get a gt. 670 or 680... But gtx 660 SLI beats reference gtx 680 on newegg video.

CPU is intel i5 3570k. Also will it bottleneck with this CPU and graphics card?
what games are you talking about? i don't think it will increase frames that much. and if you say you're going to get another one next month why not just wait and spring for the better card then(680). if you need to build now, the 660 ti is only a little more than a standard 660.

I forgot to mention, you should probably just go with a 7870. It is more powerful than a 660 and costs the same amount.

The problems with sli are driver issues and microstuttering mainly. But another problem that I personally had was a screen flickering issue. I tried every possible solution, and there was literally no reason that it wouldn't work. So I ended up giving up on it and I had to sell my card at a loss. So to sum up, I will never trust sli.

Pro tip: wiggle the SLI bridge while you are in game. Yes, its probably sounds like the stupidest thin you have heard but every time my friends setting up SLI for the first time has this issue, I tell them to wiggle it a bit and it almost always works. This is usually due to most companies cheaping out of the SLI bridge and not making proper contact. After the initial wiggling, unless you unplug the SLI bridge, you will more than likely never have to put up with it again. As for micro stuttering: as SLI matures more and better drivers are released, its been becoming less of an issue for me. I had a 560 Ti and bought an identical one off of my friend for pretty much pocket change. Had them in SLI for quiet a while. Sold my old rig, so now I just have a GTX 660 I got on sale for very cheap, and for the most part, its more than enough for gaming.
^I am not saying the issue happens to everyone by any means. But when I said I tried every solution, I mean I tried EVERY solution. That is why I sometimes have trouble suggesting sli, even though it seems like I had a one in a million situation (yay I'm special).
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