Today I received my MSI GeForce GTX 660 ti in the mail. I recently built a new computer and the only thing needing replaced was my 9800 GT. Today marked that day and I was really anxious to come home from work. Upon installing the new card into my system, Windows automatically installed the drivers. I was able to play a few of my games at the highest settings with no issues at all, but then suddenly, about an hour after installing the card, it stopped working. I was in the middle of playing Saints Row the Third when my screen flickered to "No Signal". It would do this, then swap back to the game on a frozen screen, then back to "No Signal." It did this continuously. The only way to "solve" it was to end the process of the game. I thought, "Ok, maybe Saints Row was acting up." Then I tried playing Planetside 2 and it did the exact same thing. It now does it with every single game. Even older ones such as Need for Speed: Underground 2. I'm unable to play anything. I uninstalled the drivers and did a clean install of the latest drivers for the card. Same problem. I think I'm going to put my 9800 GT back in temporarily until I can figure this out. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be? Is the card faulty?
PC Specs:
Asus P8B75-M Motherboard
i5 3570K 3.4 Processor
LSP ULTRA 650W ATX Power Supply
16GB GDDR3 G.Skill RAM
PC Specs:
Asus P8B75-M Motherboard
i5 3570K 3.4 Processor
LSP ULTRA 650W ATX Power Supply
16GB GDDR3 G.Skill RAM