So I just recently completed a new build, the only second-hand part being the graphics card, an ASUS GTX660 TI-DC2T-2GD5, what I purchased from my friend. He said the only tinkering he did to it was a slight overclock, but only for 5 minutes. This card had been running fine in a temporary build when I purchased it, but that is probably because it was being bottlenecked.
After I had completed the PC, it had been running fine. I overclocked the processor, which went well. passed all stability tests and even ran for a good long time. It was only recently that I had been getting the WHEA_UNCONTROLLABLE_ERROR bsod. I thought it was a one timer, so I shrugged it off. only until it was when I was gaming that I realized something was wrong. more crashes. i thought this was odd, so I looked into the problem, be it drivers, the vcore, everything. it was when the screen froze when everything else worked when I realized it was the GPU. I checked on heaven, and I observed this:
Any clue what could be causing this?
Intel Pentium G3258 @ 3.2Ghz (OC 4.3Ghz)
ASUS Z97 Gryphon Armour Edition Bios:1202
Kingston HyperX Genesis 8GB 1600Mhz 9-9-9-27 XMP
Corsair CX500M
I will be eager to hear from your questions and solutions.
After I had completed the PC, it had been running fine. I overclocked the processor, which went well. passed all stability tests and even ran for a good long time. It was only recently that I had been getting the WHEA_UNCONTROLLABLE_ERROR bsod. I thought it was a one timer, so I shrugged it off. only until it was when I was gaming that I realized something was wrong. more crashes. i thought this was odd, so I looked into the problem, be it drivers, the vcore, everything. it was when the screen froze when everything else worked when I realized it was the GPU. I checked on heaven, and I observed this:

Any clue what could be causing this?
Intel Pentium G3258 @ 3.2Ghz (OC 4.3Ghz)
ASUS Z97 Gryphon Armour Edition Bios:1202
Kingston HyperX Genesis 8GB 1600Mhz 9-9-9-27 XMP
Corsair CX500M
I will be eager to hear from your questions and solutions.