GTX 660 ti overclocking itself higher than it should? Affecting stability.


May 8, 2014
So I just recently completed a new build, the only second-hand part being the graphics card, an ASUS GTX660 TI-DC2T-2GD5, what I purchased from my friend. He said the only tinkering he did to it was a slight overclock, but only for 5 minutes. This card had been running fine in a temporary build when I purchased it, but that is probably because it was being bottlenecked.

After I had completed the PC, it had been running fine. I overclocked the processor, which went well. passed all stability tests and even ran for a good long time. It was only recently that I had been getting the WHEA_UNCONTROLLABLE_ERROR bsod. I thought it was a one timer, so I shrugged it off. only until it was when I was gaming that I realized something was wrong. more crashes. i thought this was odd, so I looked into the problem, be it drivers, the vcore, everything. it was when the screen froze when everything else worked when I realized it was the GPU. I checked on heaven, and I observed this:

Any clue what could be causing this?

Intel Pentium G3258 @ 3.2Ghz (OC 4.3Ghz)
ASUS Z97 Gryphon Armour Edition Bios:1202
Kingston HyperX Genesis 8GB 1600Mhz 9-9-9-27 XMP
Corsair CX500M

I will be eager to hear from your questions and solutions.

nvidia have GPU boost technology. and the boost usually exceed the boost speed mention in official spec if the temperature allows it. have you tried running your PC with your CPU at it's stock clock? try that first