GTX 660 ti upgrade to GTX 780


Mar 7, 2015
I want to upgrade to the GTX 780. I've seen comparisons with my 660ti and the benchmarks are a great reason to upgrade. I'm concerned about my mobo/cpu bottlenecking the much more powerful 780. My specs are
asus m5a78l-m lx plus
AMD fx6100
8gb DDR3
Corsair 850watt psu
(currently) GTX 660 ti
I've been running my CPU between 3.6GHz and 4.2GHz really stable. No overheating. I'm getting really good results in game like 40+ fps TW:A on custom *mostly medium settings no AA
55+ fps TW:S2 (high - no aa)
75+ fps Fc4 (ultra, no aa)
60+ fps bf4 (high - no aa)
75+ fps CoH2 (ultra - no aa)
I'm looking for a significant boost to get TW:A to ultra with low aa.

I realize there will be a small amount of bottlenecking with my CPU but I don't have the funds to upgrade to the 8XXX series.
I feel like my CPU does all thats asked of it.. what if I bought the GPU now and the CPU later if I'm not getting the desired preformance?
I mean.. A new CPU isn't going to get me up the scale on graphics settings like a new card would

look i had the fx 6120 and radeon 7950 3gb and it was being bottlenecked nad the cpu was overclocked to 4.5ghz and i was being bottlenecked

bf4 32p conquest ultra 1080p i was getting 60-68 conquest 64p ultra 1080p i was getting 40, when i upgraded the fx 8320 3.5 ghz im getting 70-80 fps ultra 1080p never dipping below 55 fps on 64p conquest

honestly upgrade the CPU theres no point of getting the 780 if your gonna play at that resolution.
Why? a different CPU won't give me graphics boosts in Total war, maybe only help with turn time, where as the 780 should get me up to high/ultra settings..
Your mobo supports cpus upto 125w, supposedly, but is running a 760g chipsets, which isn't exactly great for the 8core fx Cpus that do run at 125w, and with its limited power phases, any OC there will be minimal. I have a 660ti and it's been a great little card doing everything I've asked of it with no worries, but I also have an i5 3570k so the gpu is in no way bottlenecked. For you, Op, I'd suggest a move up to a 8320-E, which is a 95w version of the standard 125w 8320, and runs great at 4.2GHz. This will alleviate any power concerns of the 760g chipsets and will sit fine with the mobo's power phases. It'll also open up the 660ti you currently have to its potential concerning directX and/or mantle and is much stronger on single thread performance than the 6100.

I'm running skyrim with enb and 132 high texture mods, including flora, fauna, towns etc all at max ultimate settings and 4x AA, at 1080p on dual Asus 24" monitors and still don't use 100% gpu.

I'd seriously think about cpu before gpu upgrade.

yes but it will still be bottlenecked trust me the fx 6100 are weak and there the bulldozer which are bad CPU's the pile drivers are better
Thanks for some detailed info Karadjne.
Maybe I'm all too hasty to get that gtx780.
I can run Skyrim ultra everything with high res packs at 110fps.. I've never encountered an issue that I thought was related to my CPU.
Only with the release of Total War: Atilia did I decide I want to upgrade to get better preformance in game.

No you wont the CPU will bottleneck the game, open world games tend to rely on CPU's more, and in this case your CPU isnt that strong, but youll run it in ultra 1080p with around 50-60
So,for being on a tight budget and looking for a quick graphics upgrade, I'll get more out of the 8320-e while keeping the 660ti (even tho I don't believe I'm bottlenecking) vs keeping the 6100 and upgrading to gtx 780?
It a one or the other.. I can't imagine a better cpu will give me any fps or in game performance boosts vrs what I have now..

the fx 8320e and 660 is a better choice