gtx 660 vs gtx 650 TI boost

I'm not sure if the VRAM actually has to be the same. If they are the same card with the same core the only difference being VRAM, they should work in SLI but you would be limited to the VRAM of the card with the least VRAM.

Not sure on that to be honest.

Just the GPU needs to be compatible. Both Nvidia and AMD rebrand cards so sometimes different models are compatible for SLI or Crossfire.
Different clock speeds, memory speeds or size of VRAM will work. What will happen is that both cards will run to match the card with slower speeds or less VRAM.
If you have a 2 GB card and a 4 GB card, then only 2GB is used on the 4 GB card. Each card maintains its own data as well, so the effective VRAM for your SLI setup is then 2 GB.
But no, a GTX 660 and GTX 650 Ti boost cannot work in SLI.