GTX 660 - when to upgrade?


Feb 10, 2012
Running two gaming systems with i5's; 8gb of ram; 120gb SSD's for boot and 1tb 7200 rpm WD Blacks for data. Video are GTX 660's. We play mostly MMO's. 27" single monitors at 1920 resolution.

Any reason to upgrade and if so to what and why? Not having any notable issues.
As long as your not a graphics connoisseur you should upgrade when you cant run the game you play at 30-40fps at low settings. If you cant stand low settings then you should upgrade earlier. If you can stand fps in the 20s then upgrade later.
When you cant play newer games beyond 30 FPS it would be time to consider a new GPU at the moment your fine and the 660 GTX is a viable card still save up some money and later buy the best card you can afford but as Of now you have plenty of time to wait...