GTX 660ti Crashing


Sep 18, 2016
I've read all of the threads for this card and the many similar issues others have faced. None of the solutions offered have helped, and I'm outside the warranty period on the card.

My GPU gives out whenever I try to play a game. I've swapped PSUs, checked the RAM, and I've monitored temperatures for both the CPU and GPU under load. I've done clean Windows installs, used the utilities to uninstall my graphics drivers and start fresh from the manufacturer's site, and I've tried heavily underclocking with no success.

My situation is unique in that my problems only started when I transitioned to Windows 10. Perhaps it's a coincidence, but my first crash was the same night I moved to the new OS. I've since done full driver upgrades on everything, limited the connected devices, and everything else listed above. The problem was originally solved temporarily by slightly underclocking, but has worsened since the Windows 10 Anniversary update this week. I can no longer use the card at all (in game) on this update, even with no other devices connected to the PC and all drivers up to date.

Some points of reference: the crash doesn't occur at any specific temperature point. The lowest it has occurred is at 60C on GPU and 45C on CPU. It occurs after a few minutes anytime the GPU is put under load. I've stressed tested with different underclocking options with the crash still being toggled after a few minutes.

I don't have another PC to test the card in. I do have some thermal paste on the way and I plan to replace the paste in both the CPU and GPU, but I'm skeptical it will fix the problem. It doesn't seem to be completely linked to temperature.

Thanks in advance for your help.
When you say you clean installed, this was truly 'clean' with deleting partitions & formatting if necessary, not just the 'reset' function within Windows 10?

It sounds like the PSU, but there are other causes.

Can you post your specs? Including your old PSU and what you replaced it with? It's possible you didn't replace it with a quality unit - wattage isn't everything as an FYI.
Mobo: MS-7798
CPU: i5-3570
GPU: GTX 660Ti Power Edition (MSI)
Currently, an Antec EarthWatts 650W 80 Plus Bronze
Previously, a Corsair CX600

Win10 Anniversary Update, latest drivers, fresh installed

Sorry for the double post, but also worth mentioning some of the other behavior:

When it freezes, the image pauses first, then the sound makes white noise for a minute or so, then the whole system shuts down on its own. This is in game. During stress tests, I've had the screen go completely black with no output but the system remain on until I hard reset.

Also worth noting this strange behavior; when the system reboots, it will power cycle and not post if you try too quickly. If you wait 30 seconds or so after a crash, it'll post but then it will tell you to insert a Bootable drive (won't recognize the hdd). If you wait a minute or two after a crash, it boots to Windows normally. Makes me think the mobo might be wonky.