GTX 660Ti vs AMD 7950


Dec 26, 2012
I'm planning on buying a new graphics card because my 6870 just can't keep up with some games right now.
I currently have 8GB of RAM (DDR3), and i5-3570 (non k) and game at 1680x1050 resolution but am planning to upgrade to 1080p in the near future.
So which card is best at stock, as I am not going to overclock either. I've seen gtx 660ti vs 7950 threads everywhere but they always compared them OC'd, as I'm not going to do so I'd like to know which is best right out of the box.
Thanks in advance :)

Games I intend to play:
Hitman absolution
Far Cry 3
imo prefer 7950 ge.. with larger buswitdh, best allround..
couse now i had 660ti, and its a little bit fall behind with 7950..
ex : now im playing tombraider, with tress fx my 660ti drop 20-30fps 🙁..

go get a 7950!gives more power than the 660!the sapphire boost is probably the best choice as the guy above recommended!in case you pick a higher gtx like a 670 or 680 you would probably dont want to take the 7950!

I own a 660ti. Bought it as soon as it was released. However, if I were to buy a GPU now I'd definitely buy the Sapphire 7950 Boost. Awesome performance.

I would take the 7950 over both 670/680 if you overclock the 7950 will beat both
yep i own 2 sapphire boost's and would highley reccomend them.Vapor X is a good card but your really paying a premium for nothing.The cooling isnt much better then the boost edition and ive found the boost edition overclocks higher overall.
an overclocked 7950 will indeed beat the 670(not the 680) but if you take a gigabyte gtx 670 oc edition and overclock that than it can beat an 7950 crossfire!or easily an 7970!(tested)!!

When are you guys going to learn to read?
Since your not overclocking then a 7950 boost edition or gtx 670 is the way to go.A plain jane 7950 isnt really anything special
A 7950 boost edition is about as fast as a gtx 670 it makes a difference
I'll only have the money for it in April, hoping the 8000 series will lower the price on th 7950.
Those 220 is only for the next 15 mins unfortunately :c
Yes get the saphire 7950 boost. I just picked one up from newegg with two free games for $300 ($280 after rebate). It is a beast and overclocked it outperforms the gtx 680 by a little bit.
Except, he's in Portugal and it doesn't bring the games, and it doesn't outperforms the 680 gtx, this thing about overclocking is like a lottery you can get a card with voltage locked, you can get a card that just bumping some mhz it might crash, others than can overclock like crazy, it's often misleading including overclocking results from some site(s) or a single user.

Here's some interesting read for the OP :