GTX 670 2GB SLI for BF4 and next gen games?


Jan 13, 2013
Hi there guys,
I've very recently purchased 2x GTX 670 2gb in an SLI config and I was just wondering how long on estimate they'd last me, especially with next gen coming up later this year.

I ask this because of the vram limitations of 2gb and having read around, people are recommending you have 4gb for next gen games. I'm just worried as BF4's tech specs were released today and they recommended 3gb of Vram, so I'm worried that I won't be able to play the game on ultra settings. Which settings will I have to turn down, and to what extent? Such as anti-aliasing and texture res etc.

Thanks a lot guys!
Will be the same as BF ...Ultra for 3GB and high for 2+. It's just for texture size. Except in BF 2GB is for Ultra. You will have all on high settings.

Edit: Finally, a game that justifies my GTX 780....except it might be only to play on high settings in the next 2 years because of VRAm : (

Although I only have 2gb VRAM, will I still be able to run BF4 on ultra? I know that if I go over 2gb VRAM, my FPS will dip, but if I turn down AA to MSAA or even turn it off completely, will I be fine?

I'm not 100% sure as there is no real testing on BF 4 as to how much VRAM is being used under Ultra with or without AA. In theory you might be ok, but again even I do not use AA or use the highest settings in online FPS because it does give you a better advantage. I use BF 3 on medium everything, ultra textures, and no AA and SSAO at all, and low shadows (because it allows you to see more farther away, like hidden enemies).