GTX 670 2GB vs. GTX 670 4GB for


Jul 20, 2012
Hello, I need help deciding whether to get the GTX 670 4GB or GTX 670 2GB. I want to know whether or not it will be worth the extra money to buy the 4GB if I will just be running one 1400 x 900 monitor.

Here are my specs:

Processor : Intel Core i7 950

RAM : 12 GB

Motherboard : MSI 1366 ATX Motherboard X58 PRO

HardDrive : Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device 931 GB

Monitor: ViewSonic VT2430 24-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV (1400x900 resolution for games)

Thank you in advance :)
I agree, just go for the 2GB version, it's more than enough for that resolution. If you do decide in the future to go for a 1080p monitor that's A ok, even 1440p should be fine although cranking the full eye candy on that might push the card a bit.