GTX 670 performing poorly?


Jan 1, 2013
My Gigabyte Windforce GTX 670 has been performing worse than I would expect from it ever since I bought it, and today I decided to do something about it. Here is the 3Dmark score I just ran.
Is there something obvious killing my score, or is that actually a reasonable score for this card? Thank you in advance, awesome people of Tom's Hardware!
The GTX 670 was released in 2012, the card is over 3 years old at this point. A score of 5843 on Firestrike for that card isn't unreasonable. From what I see, the card is performing close to expected. Though, I agree the scores should be able 1000 point or so higher.

Some system get better scores with that card, but they also have higher-end CPU's, and/or overclocked. One thing I noticed on your results is the Memory Bus Clock is lower than other Firestrike results I have seen for the GTX 670. Here is the spec sheet for the 600 series, are your clock speeds matching?

Overall, your GPU is over 3 years old. If you really want performance, it's time to upgrade...
I have same model gtx 670, can check later today my 3d mark scores. But i think it was +6k total score on fire strike, on stock 875k processor (2.9ghz with 4 cores and 8 hyperthreaded).
Did you try overclocking your 670 yet?
Your GTX670 is 3 years old, so it may be time to upgrade anyway rather than wasting time trying to squeeze what little performance you can. Why not buy a GTX970? For the time being, monitor the temps on the GTX670 as overheating can affect the overall performance with games and benchmarks.
The GTX 670 was released in 2012, the card is over 3 years old at this point. A score of 5843 on Firestrike for that card isn't unreasonable. From what I see, the card is performing close to expected. Though, I agree the scores should be able 1000 point or so higher.

Some system get better scores with that card, but they also have higher-end CPU's, and/or overclocked. One thing I noticed on your results is the Memory Bus Clock is lower than other Firestrike results I have seen for the GTX 670. Here is the spec sheet for the 600 series, are your clock speeds matching?

Overall, your GPU is over 3 years old. If you really want performance, it's time to upgrade. Might I suggest the GTX 970 🙂
I would say it's a reasonable score considering you're running at bone-stock clock speeds. Looking around shows some scores which are about 1k higher, but looking at their memory clocks show a much higher speed (you==980mhz, higher==1280mhz) - or to break it down mathematically:

980/1280=0.765 (you're running at 76% of the speed of the other system)
5800/6600=0.879 (you're getting 88% of the score of the other system)

I would say, you're pretty much on considering the speed and type of card you have.

Going to a GTX 770 would get you a score of about 7200.
Going to a GTX 970 would get you a score of about 11000.

All in all, a really big gulf between the GTX 670 and the 970. Newer tech is always faster. Even a Maxwell based 750ti is capable of mid to high 7000 scores, and it draws incredibly low amounts of power. So, your choice is either overclock, or upgrade. Personally, I see very little downside to overclocking, because even if you burn your card, then you have the excuse to upgrade.

No downside. :)
Checked now and got 7040 graphics score with stock 670 windforce on fire strike, your score 6994 so that looks fairly decent. Only 46 score difference.

Can you do all default tests and put link here on results?
Other thing i notice is your physics score is low 5726, i have 7111 on stock settings with my more than 5 year old 875k / lga 1156 processor.. it has 4 cores with a 8 core hyperthreading.

EDIT: seems like i got +750 graphics score boost in sky diver and stable.
+100 core and +50 memory overclock

And about cpu, im looking at cpubenchmark and YOUR cpu has score 7159 and my cpu 875k has 5480 on stock, someting clearly is wrong if i still get a lot higher score on physics test
Thank you all for your detailed replies! The people on this site are truly the best! Having read through all your responses, it's clear that it is time for an upgrade to a 970 (thank you for the recommendations). Cheers all!