GTX 670 Post Problems, 1 Long Beep Followed by 3 Short.

Josh Dev

Apr 15, 2015
Hey Guys,

So over the weekend I ended up getting a new GPU (970 GTX). So I was passing off my pretty much brand new from a warranty Galaxy 670 GTX to my girlfriend.

Her PC specs are as follows:

I5-2500K @3.3Ghz
AsusTEK P8P67-M
Nvidia 560 ti (works fine in her system)
750W COoler Master vs v750 PSU (New)

Now when I install the 670 into her PC after removing the drivers for her card (560), I get the error codes of 1 long beep and 3 short beeps. Her PC works fine with the 560 and I reinstalled the 670 into my PC and it still works like a charm so the video cards are not defective and the RAM is clearly not an issue either.

Anyone have any other idea, I was thinking that it could be motherboard compatibility (which I'm hoping it isn't because LGA1155 sockets are extremely expensive here) but it doesn't say it is not on partpicker.

Any advice would be appreciated so hopefully she can use her new/used card.

Thanks guys.
Well, try running the graphics card at a higher voltage in her computer. This may help, I have had a GTX 660 Asus Super Oc'd which would do the same thing because it wasn't getting enough power. Also, have you tried putting it into another slot for the graphics card? That is also a possibility, and if that doesn't work.. I really am baffled as to why it isn't working. Obviously the card can't be hogging up a 750 Watt, so it should be fine for voltage boosting like I said above.Try a different PCIe cable as well as switching the cards slot, maybe that'll work?
Well, try running the graphics card at a higher voltage in her computer. This may help, I have had a GTX 660 Asus Super Oc'd which would do the same thing because it wasn't getting enough power. Also, have you tried putting it into another slot for the graphics card? That is also a possibility, and if that doesn't work.. I really am baffled as to why it isn't working. Obviously the card can't be hogging up a 750 Watt, so it should be fine for voltage boosting like I said above.Try a different PCIe cable as well as switching the cards slot, maybe that'll work?
I will try the higher voltage next time I'm messing around with it. The GPU will not fit in the other PCI-e spot because it covers the SATA cables for any HDD/SDD lol (Have to love Micro-mobo's. I will see what I can do maneuvering it around but I'm almost certain it covers every SATA input.

I did try the other cable that comes with the PSU and I even tried using both primary cables for PCI-e which are saved for SLI.

This is crazy like I said haha.

Well, its possibly the MoBo itself then, since you said it was Micro-ATX, and it can't be seated in any other ones.. I would think the easiest solution here is replace her MoBo unless you figured it out. And I would go with a AM3+ MoBo and a AMD 6300 its a very cheap, very nice 6 Core CPU. Sorry I couldn't help any further.

No worries I appreciate your input. Yeah it's a shame because her 2500k is fine and overclocked it runs well as good as some newer models stock out there.

I believe it's probably that as well.

Thanks for your time.

Yeah, sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I did try, unfortunately. Call the MoBo's manufacturer and ask em' if their MoBo has problems with GTX 670s.