GTX 670 second power supply use


Mar 9, 2013
I just bought a gtx 670 and a cooler master 700 watt power supply. I heard you have to trick your motherboard to let the 670 run off the better power supply. Anyone know how to do this? My PC is the Alienware x51.
I should clarify. I want to use the 700 watt solely on the video card, separate from the rest of the pc. The rest of the pc is using it's own supply. I saw on youtube a guy got a 680 to work with this setup. He mentioned you have to jumper the motherboard or somesuch. However he did not say how this was done.
The 700 watt is to power the video card by itself. The alienware x51 power supply is only 330 watts, not enough to power the gtx 670. The gtx 670 requires minimum 550 watts.
Because the Alienware X51 is a small form factor prebuilt case, it won't fit regular PSUs.

It's pretty simple to do like the Overclocker's tutorial explains, but I don't know how to operate the 2 PSUs together (in order to run the GTX 670 with the start of the PSU in the original case), for the GTX 670, you just plug the PCIE connectors, close the circuit on the PSU, power it on from the built in switch or make an external switch like he did.
Now you can either, like cookybiscuit said, replace the case or just buy a SFF psu. Since you already bought the PSU you should just replace the case since it will allow for upgrades in the future and the ease of use. If you aren't willing to replace then you COULD do what the person did in that tutorial though I would not advise it.

How do I close the circuit on the psu?

I tried plugging the pci connector into the motherboard directly initially, since that's what the original power supply goes into. System wouldn't turn on. My guess is the alienware x51 was designed specifically for low power brick psu's.
Not like I purchased an Alienware... L0L. You don't have much options here, "ghetto mod" the PSU (using 2 PSUs like you said), getting a new case is not possible. Can't get a new PSU unless you look hard enough and even then there won't be any (MAYBE a few) that are high enough wattage to drive the 670.
I should mention that this particular cooler master psu also has all other connectors built into it. It may not want to work unless the big 10 or 12 pin motherboard connector is connected to something.

Unfortunately I just found out that it uses External AC Adapter, like a laptop battery not a SFF PSU inside.
You close the circuit by connecting the black and green wire like in the tutorial with that small wire, you maintain it like this, then you plug the power cord into the PSU, and you can switch it on/off with the built in switch, if your PSU has one. That's all I know about turning it on/off, i don't know how you'll reach the connectors on the GTX 670 from outside to inside and I do not know how to power the mainboard if it doesn't have a 24pin connector. I assumed that the board has places for regular PSU connectors but it doesn't. Try google for info and wide help with that
I'll look into closing the circuit. As for google, the search continues. I'll see if I can contact the guy in the youtube video for help. Thanks for the suggestions all.