Wondering which would be better - A single gtx 670 or two r9 270's.
As a general rule (exceptions of course), go with the strongest single GPU you can afford. CF/SLI
obviously require more power, space, and generate more heat. Plz post your sys specs, so we
have a better idea of what to recommend.
i7 3770, SSD, 1tb hdd, 16gb ram, and others.
I have enough space for up to two more cards, and my case is well ventilated.
want to move over to these for mining, so i'm wondering if there would be a frame difference in games.
i7 3770, SSD, 1tb hdd, 16gb ram, and others.
I have enough space for up to two more cards, and my case is well ventilated.
want to move over to these for mining, so i'm wondering if there would be a frame difference in games.
in terms of frames the r9 270 in crossfire would be better but then i've also heard that SLI is better than crossfiring and some games MIGHT not dual graphics configs unless they release a patch or if both companies releases a driver update for it
but for now it'll be better to stick with a single card until you get more money to spend on another 670 or you should give it a thought in getting one of the latest cards cause some non reference 760s holds quite the same frames as the 670 but for a lower price
i7 3770, SSD, 1tb hdd, 16gb ram, and others.
I have enough space for up to two more cards, and my case is well ventilated.
want to move over to these for mining, so i'm wondering if there would be a frame difference in games.
PSU brand/model? It could be a bad decision to upgrade to either scenario without sufficient & reliable power.